Another Doorbell Licker Gets Caught On Camera
If you own a surveillance doorbell, you should expect a doorbell licker to visit at some point.
We told you last month that a “smart” doorbell recorded a guy licking it. Now there’s another video of yet another “doorbell licker.” Cops are still looking for both.
Source:Fox News
Cows Have Their Own Dating App Now
There is an app for just about everything these days. In fact, there's a new app that focuses on getting cows a date. That's right, a dating app for cows.
Known as Tudder, a mix of Tinder and udder, farmers can use their phones to pick cows that appeal to them. Farmers can choose their livestock just like they would a possible date on matchmaking apps, by swiping right when they see someone they like.
After selecting the bovine, farmers will be sent to the SellMyLivestock website, allowing them to learn more about the livestock before buying them or not. So far, SellMyLivestock has listed more than $64 million worth of livestock, feed, and bedding in the past year.
Source: Fox News
French Fry Rankings Cause Huge Online Debate
Everyone has a different opinion when it comes to their favorite foods, and it seems when it comes to French fries, folks get particularly defensive when it comes to their favorites.
Earlier this week, Los Angeles Times’food critic Lucas Kwan Petersen came out with his picks for the best and worst French fries, reviewing 19 of the top food chains, and folks are definitely not happy with his picks. Lucas picked Five Guys fries as the best, followed by McDonald’s, Del Taco, Steak ‘n Shake and Arbys.
As for the worst, Lucas picked In-N-Out, describing them as “bland,” and while some folks agreed, plenty of others were furious over the diss. In fact, even Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcettie chimed in, noting, "Respectfully disagree, In-N-Out fries do not belong in the lower left corner of this graph.”
- The whole article sparked massive debate online, with some also upset that Chick-Fil-A’s fries didn’t get a higher rating, wth the paper calling them “mediocre.” “Wait a minute…WHAT DO YOU MEAN CHICK FIL A FRIES ARE JUST MEDIOCRE?!,” one person noted. “You’ve made a powerful enemy, LA Times.”
Source:Fox News
Science Says You’re Better Off Being Single
Hey single people, congrats! You made it through another Valentine’s Day. And if you’re feeling down at all about not being coupled up after the holiday that’s all about celebrating love, get this: science says being single is actually better for you.Here are some science-backed benefits to being on your own:
- Single people are healthier- Some research has shown that singles get more exercise than married couples. According to onestudy, divorced people do more physical activity than married ones, but the most active of all are those who’ve always been single. And another found that singles in nine countries in Europe had a lower body mass index than married people and weighed around five pounds less overall.
- Singles are better at keeping friends- People who’ve always been single are more attentive to their friends and family than married folks and put in more effort to keep sibling relationships strong, according to onestudy.
- They’re better with money- Being single has a financial advantage, too.According to, 27% of married couples without kids have credit card debt, and 36% of married couples with kids do, compared to just 21% of singles with credit card debt.
- Being single can mean doing better at work-has shown singles are more likely to “value meaningful work,” since not spending time maintaining a relationship gives them more time for their careers.
- Being alone can be less stressful- Not having to deal withrelationship issueslike coupled up people does have its advantages.
- Singles are more self-sufficient- Learning to appreciate alone time and realizing you can take care of yourself is important andstudieshave shown that the more self-sufficient people are, the less likely they are to have negative emotions.
Tired After A Bad Night’s Sleep? Try Chewing Gum
If you had a really late night celebrating Valentine’s Day and you can hardly keep your eyes open today,we feel you. But instead of reaching for that fourth cup of coffee, we’ve got an energy-boosting alternative for you to try: chewing peppermint gum.
The trick comes from “5-Minute Energy,” a book byIsadora Baumthat offers suggestions of more than 200 activities to help put some pep in your step. And one of them is chewing gum. Sounds strange, but science backs it up. Astudy at Coventry Universityin the U.K. finds that chewing gum stimulates the autonomic nervous system and that boosts alertness. Chewing increases blood flow to the brain as well and that can help wake you up, too.
But if you’re reaching for a pack of gum at the store, put down the Juicy Fruit and stick to peppermint. It turns out it’s especially effective because the scent of peppermint can “uplift mood and energy as well as bring a sense of mental clarity and focus,” according to Baum’s book. So next time the afternoon slump hits, try this pick-me-up and freshen your breath at the same time.
Parents Are Overflowing With Keepsakes From Their Children
Babies grow up way too fast for parents, which is why many will hold on to keepsakes to remind them of their kids' younger years, and it seems parents houses are filled to the rim with them. A new survey finds the average parent has accumulated 1,293 keepsakes of their children, with the average household having about five boxes of keepsakes.
Photos are some of the most popular keepsakes with the average family having 950 photos of their kids and displaying about 21. And for some that’s not even enough, with 60% saying they wish they had more keepsakes on display. What’s more, 53% regret not having more keepsakes of certain moments in their kids’ lives.
Of those reminders of childhood, many of them represent “firsts” for a kid, with more than 60% keeping things like hair from their kids’ first haircut, their first handprint or footprint, baby teeth and ultrasound images.
- As for what they plan to do with all the stuff they’ve been saving, 51% plan to make a scrapbook, while 44% will use the photos for a photo album, while 71% say they are collecting them to show their kids later in life.At which point they’ll just whine about wanting to play their video game.
Source:SWNS Digital