Trump Signs Directive On Space Force
It’s officially official.President Trumphas established a U.S. Space Force. At the White House signing ceremony, Trump said he expects support from Congress in his efforts. Those sentiments were echoed by Vice PresidentMike Pence, who agrees that the U.S. needs to be dominant in space.
For his part, National Security AdviserJohn Boltoncalled a space Force a “visionary project.” As for what we’ll see, it’s expected start off as an arm of the Air Force but would eventually become a separate branch of the American military. Costs are uncertain and the idea has not generated overwhelming enthusiasm on Capitol Hill.
Something else the President is excited about? His plans for the border wall. In fact, he says he’s confident he’ll prevailing in the dispute over the U.S.-Mexican border. He also defended his declaration of a national emergency – and dismissed legal challenges and called it “an open and shut case.”
Source:White House
People Sign Petition To Sell Montana to Canada
Pretty confident that people will sign just about anything these days including selling Montana to Canada. Thousands of people have already signed an online petition that calls on the United States to sell the state of Montana to reduce the national debt.
A group calling itself "Christian moms against private education" started a petition on to sell Montana to Canada for $1 trillion. The U.S. national debt is currently $22 trillion. The description of the petition says, "We have too much debt and Montana is useless. Just tell them it has beavers or something."
More than 7,500 people have signed the petition, which has a goal of 10,000 signatures. Even the person who started this petition wrote that they are "just surprised that so many people have 'backed' my 'cause.'
Source: MSN
Twitter Is Divided Over How Many Towels A Couple Should Have
There are a lot of important things happening in the world today, but over on Twitter, people are putting aside politics and current events to talk about something surprising: towels. It all started with user @Advil, who asked followers “What is the correct number of towels to own?”
Histweetexplains that he was having a debate with his girlfriend about what the appropriate amount of towels a household of two should have and from there it turned into a massive Twitter debate, because apparently everyone’s got an opinion and they take them very seriously.
Some people think there should be lots of towels, with one usertweetinga couple should own at least 10 bath sheets, 10 bath towels, 10 hand towels, 20 washcloths. That lead to a whole thing because it turns out some people don’t know what a bath sheet is - it’s just a giant towel. Other folks point out that you need to have old or gross towels if you have a dog and some users just threw out random numbers, like 42.
Another user brought up a good point,tweeting, “like it’s a choice instead of just a number you arbitrarily end up with after years of moves, hand-me-downs, and stealing from hotels.”
Someone even joked about it being a class issue,posting, “1% of the world's population owns 90% of the world's towels, and the middle towel class is being squeezed out.” But one guy nailed it withhis tweet: “The correct answer is what your GF wants.”
Source:Elite Daily
Study Reveals The Benefits Of A Four-Day Work Week
It’s safe to say that most people would love to work only four days a week rather than five, and a new study suggests companies should really think about making the cut.
The study, conducted by academics at the University of Auckland and Auckland University of Technology, focused on New Zealand financial firm Perpetual Guardian, which adopted a four-day work week last November, with employees maintaining their regular salary. And what they found could make the case for giving most employees a three-day weekend.
The study noted that not only was there not a drop in the work that got done, productivity actually increased. What’s more, there was a huge increase in commitment and empowerment of employees, while stress levels decreased 7% from 45% to 38% and folks saw a more positive work-life balance, with scores increasing from 54% to 78%.
- One employee,Tammy Baker, who was part of the study says she found herself more focused on projects when she was working less, rather than jumping around to different things. She also said she found herself working harder because she had the extra day off to compensate for it.
- As for what people did with that extra time, the study notes they usually spent it on things they would normally do on the weekend like playing golf or watching Netflix, although some did start adopting new activities, like “spending time with parents,” “spending much-needed time studying,” and “cleaning the house on a Wednesday and then having the weekend free.”
Source:The Guardian
Shamrock Shakes Have Been Spotted At McDonald’s
Now that Valentine’s Day is in the books, you may be missing all the festive holiday treats that go with it. But have no fear, McDonald’s is already moving on to St. Patrick’s Day and their iconic Shamrock Shakes are back.
Not all locations have the minty desserts just yet, but to save you the drive-thru disappointment of realizing your closest Mickey D’s isn’t in the St. Patty’s Day spirit yet, McDonald’s has a Shamrock Shake tracker function on its app.
And if you’re a fan of the green goodies, keep in mind that they won’t be around for long - Sunday, March 24this your last chance to sip one in 2019.
Source:Food and Wine
This Is How Much Money Millennials Would Consider Life-Changing
While a lot of people dream of winning the lottery, it turns out for most folks, it wouldn’t take millions of dollars to change their lives. A new survey finds that for the majority of Millennials, the sum of money they would consider to be life changing is just $19,800. What’s more, 22% of that generation say $5,000 or less would make a huge impact on their lives.
And it’s good to hear that should folks get this life-changing money, they wouldn’t use it on frivolous things. In fact, 51% would put it right into savings, while 31% would use it to pay off their credit card debt, 30% would use it to start a business, and 27% would put it towards retirement.
As for why it would take so little to change their lives, it could be because a third of respondents say they aren’t comfortable with their financial situation, with more than half saying they currently live paycheck-to-paycheck.
And it seems most people are optimistic they will indeed see such life-changing money. Overall, 51% of Americans, and 64% of Millennials, expect to be financially comfortable within five years, while 67% say they’ll get that life-changing money within five years either through investments, raises, or consistent savings.
Source:SWNS Digital