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Hannah's Headlines - 3/5/2019

Today is Fat Tuesday, National Cheese Doodle day

Alexa Can Help You Prep For A Job Interview

Between not knowing the questions they’re going to ask, not knowing the answers that will get you the job, and just being plain nervous, interviews are some of the most terrifying things we have to navigate out in our 20s. You can get your friends to ask you all of the typical interview questions (and Google can be a big help in figuring out what those are), but there’s another way to shamelessly practice your self-marketing skills.

Alexa’s got a special feature. Okay, she’s got a few. But one of the most useful is Interview Prep. It’s a service that allows you to specify the kind of job you’re interviewing for as well as your line of work. Alexa won’t tell you if you got the job or not, but she’ll make preparing for the questions you might get a little easier. And if you want to take it a step further, you can ask her for the typical questions asked at big companies like Google and Amazon.

Your best bet is probably to do a combination of Alexa and friends. Have Alexa ask the questions, and make your friends judge your answers. And the BEST way to practice for interviews? Going to interviews. Sure, it means you might not get the first or second job you interview for. But the experience will beef up your skills!

Source: LifeHacker

You Unintentionally Choose a Partner with a Similar Life Expectancy

For better or worse…people unwittingly tend to choose a partner with a similar life expectancy, a new study claims.

Research suggests we select mates who will live as long as we do — which will delight many but be seen as a life sentence for others.

Doctors claim we unconsciously pick a partner who will share the same illnesses as us later in life, such as high blood pressure or heart disease.

They examined data from the UK Biobank — a study of genes and lifestyle factors.

Experts say partners’ shared lifestyles, such as smoking or eating unhealthily, may lead to the same diseases later.

This will ultimately mean similar life expectancies, such as the Queen, 92 and Prince Philip, 97.

Albert Tenesa, from Edinburgh University, said: “Our study suggests humans tend to select partners for behavioral or physical traits that are genetically related to disease and longevity.”

He called for more long-term studies of couples from the time they meet until they develop a disease.


Man Charges Overweight Passenger $150 For Cramping Him Space

We are always hearing stories about how terrible airline passengers can be when their seatmate is overweight, or even obese, and now one man’s solution to the problem has sparked a huge debate online.

An anonymous man took to the “Am I An A**hole” forum on Reddit to share his encounter with an overweight passenger on a recent flight, and how he solved the problem. The man described his seat seatmate as “very obese,” noting, he was “easily seeping into about 1/3 of my seat,” making the passenger “uncomfortable." 

The traveler confronted his neighbor telling him "Sir, I'm sorry but this situation is not working for me, you're taking up quite a bit of my seat,” but no amount of the man shifting was going to fix the situation. The traveler says the man seemed “embarrassed” by the whole thing and offered to take another flight, which is when they brought over the fight attendant, who said that since the flight was booked the only other option would be for him to get off the plane and get a new flight. 

  • That’s when the uncomfortable passenger proposed a resolution to the problem. It seems the guy made his overweight seatmate an offer, suggesting he’d “put up” with him encroaching on his space if the man paid him “$150.” "That's half the cost of this flight and that would compensate me enough for the circumstances,” he explained, and surprisingly the man instantly agreed and gave him $150 in cash.
  • Now, how folks feel about the resolution to the problem is what’s causing some controversy. While the overweight man said he “appreciated” the offer, the other traveler says passengers sitting behind them called him an “a**hole.” And it seems the Internet has equally mixed feelings.
  • “The $150 didn't make you any less squished in your seat, so it really feels like you just blackmailed this guy for being fat," one person wrote.
  • Others think the man offered up a reasonable solution, with one commenter noting it let “the guy stay on the flight, have enough room to accommodate without paying for two seats, and without the embarrassment and inconvenience of having to get off and wait for the next flight that wasn't fully booked."
  • Others felt the airline was to blame because they weren’t doing anything to compensate the uncomfortable passenger, even though they did think it was an issue since they were going to kick the overweight guy off the flight.

Source:Business Insider

JetBlue Contest Calls on Participants to Delete Instagram Photos

A JetBlue contest is offering a year of free flights to anywhere the airline services, but there's a big catch -- participants have to clear their Instagram accounts.

The JetBlue "All You Can Jet" contest calls on interested participants to first clear all of the photos from their Instagram accounts.

"Don't worry, if you win you'll be able to post pics from everywhere we fly," the airline said.

Participants must then upload a version of a photo provided by JetBlue and customize it to fill in the blank: "All you can _____ #ALLYOUCANJETSWEEPSTAKES."

The airline said the photo caption must mention JetBlue to make sure the company sees it.

The contest, which ends Friday, will give a year of free flights to three winners.

Think you can "make up" sleep on the weekend? You're dreaming

Most people who don't get enough sleep during the week figure they can make it up by sleeping in on the weekend. Unfortunately, researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder have just discovered that you really can't do that.

Thanks a lot, science.

According to a study that was published in the journal Current Biology, the ill effects of constant sleep deprivation -- overeating at night, exhaustion, weight gain from a slowed-down metabolism, and even diabetes -- can't be undone by getting more sleep on the weekend.

For the record, to keep yourself in tip-top shape, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends seven or more hours of sleep -- whatever that is -- for adults.

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