How Much Would You Want To Be Paid To Do Nothing For The Rest of Your Life? There’s A Job Out There For You!
If the idea of getting paid a decent monthly wage to do nothing, or whatever you want, for the rest of your life sounds appealing, you may be interested in this Swedish experimental art project that plans to hire a very lucky person for a responsibility-free job with just one very simple requirement. You might be wondering what a job that basically only requires you to clock in and clock out every day pays. Well, according to Atlas Obscura, the selected candidate will earn a monthly salary of about $2,320, plus annual raises, benefits, vacation time and a guaranteed pension fund. It’s not the best paying job in the world, but considering that “whatever the employee chooses to do constitutes the work”, the offer isn’t bad at all.
- Would you be willing to make a small salary to do nothing for the rest of your life?
Clocks Have Sprung Forward But Should We Ever Turn Them Back?
Daylight Saving started yesterday at 2 am, so be sure to set your clocks forward if you haven’t done so already. And if you live in Florida, you might not ever have to set your clocks back again. CNN reports that Florida lawmakers voted overwhelmingly to pass the Sunshine Protection Act, a bill that would keep Daylight Saving Time throughout the year. According to the Tampa Bay Times, state senator Greg Steube came up with the idea when he walked into his local barbershop right after the clocks changed last fall. "One of the barbers had young children and it had such a negative impact every time they set their clocks back [that they had trouble] getting their kids up for school," he told the Senate Community Affairs Committee meeting.
- Do you wish there were no daylight saving and we just kept the clocks set the way they are now?
"Milk Coke" Is Causing A Debate Online
Unique drink combinations are trendy these days, but there’s one that is causing a major debate online. Milk Coke is actually a thing. It’s two-thirds coke and a third whole milk. No kidding. Back in the 70s anyone who watched “Laverne and Shirley” no doubt tried milk and Pepsi. While that was definitely not palate pleasing, the internet is split on Milk Coke.
Comedy writerJim Feltonstarted the commotion when tweeting the concoction and him drinking it. He stated “Milk coke is a real thing. Brummies love it. We can all move on from this discussion now. I will be taking no further questions.”
The reaction ranged from comparing it to a Coke float, to being curious, and flat out calling it appalling. When tweeters gave it a try… they overwhelmingly liked it. You have the recipe, give it a shot!
Source: Women's Health
*LIST* Favorite Mom Catchphrases
Every mom has a “catchphrase” and we know them by heart. Sometimes we laugh at them and sometimes they come in handy. Reddit user iceshard1232asked “What’s your mom's catchphrase?” and the response was crazy.
Here are some of our favorites. (Can you relate?)
- “Let me tell you a trick I used in the Army.” Note: this guy’s mom was NOT in the Army, ever.
- “Are your ears painted on?”
- “The world is round, we’ll get there eventually.”
- One commenter said his mom didn’t have a catchphrase, but she used “the look” a lot.
- “Failure to plan on your part does not constitute an emergency on my mine.”
- “When was the last time you pooped?”
- “What do you think you are, just a souvenir of a good time?”
- “Copernicus called! You're not the center of the universe!”
- "Are you bleeding? Are you broken? Are you dead? You're fine."
- “Always remember your 6 P’s: Proper planning prevents piss-poor performance. It applies to absolutely everything.”
“Peep on a Perch” Is The “Elf on a Shelf” For Easter
If you love Elf on the Shelf and wish his magic didn’t end with Christmas, then you’re going to love the Peep on a Perch. It’s like the Elf, but for Easter, so it’s supposed to inspire good behavior in children as the holiday approaches.
The little plush yellow Peep sits on a shelf to watch over the kiddos and it comes with a book that explains how Peep helps the Easter Bunny decorate eggs and fill baskets every year. The idea is that kids will be more aware of using good manners, being helpful around the house, and being kind and the more kindness the Peep sees, the happier it gets. And an upside for parents? Unlike that Elf on the Shelf, this cute little bird that looks just like the marshmallow Peeps is meant to be played with and held, so you don’t have to worry about little hands wanting to touch it.
Source: Delish