According to research published in Personal Relationships. Having a “destiny mindset” means holding the belief that there’s one person out there who’s perfect for you and who you’re meant to be with. Because of this, you’re likely to develop ideas about what that person should look/be like, and this can seriously hold you back in the love department. Those who have a “destiny mindset” are said to be very black and white. Either they’re in the most perfect relationship ever because they’re with the person they believe to be their soulmate or they find their partner so lacking when it comes to meeting the ideal they had in their head that they’re miserable, even if they could technically have a great relationship. When you have an idea of “The One” in your head, chances are you won’t entertain anyone who doesn’t possess every characteristic on your lengthy checklist.
- Are you guilty of having a destiny mindset and have built up to big of a fantasy about your perfect partner? Is this why you’re still single?