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Hannah's Headlines - 6/19/2019


Study Finds Loads Of Drivers Ignore Their Check Engine Light

One in seven motorists is driving around with a potentially serious issue in their vehicle, according to new research. From mysterious rattles to burnt-out headlights and fluid leaks – it’s perhaps no surprise that two in five drivers feel it’s ‘just a matter of time’ before their vehicle breaks down. A study examining the diagnostic abilities of 2,000 American drivers found the average car currently has three things that don’t function as they should. A rattling noise (17 percent), squeaky brakes (15 percent) and the “check engine” light on (15 percent) were the most commonly identified problems. But that may be expected – for those who’ve had their “check engine” light come on, 29 percent admit to ignoring it for a month or more before actually bringing their car to the shop. Commissioned by Jiffy Lube and conducted by OnePoll in advance of summer road trip season, the survey examined the issues Americans commonly experience in their vehicle and how quickly we deal with them.


Man Fits 146 Blueberries In His Mouth For Guinness Record

Some people will do just about anything to get their names into the Guinness Book of World Records. Even if it means stuffing a ridiculous amount of blueberries in your mouth at the same time. 

David Rushis no stranger to setting records as he already has over 100 in the Guinness Book. His latest feat has him stuffing 146 blueberries in his mouth at the same time. 

Rush, whose record-breaking activities are aimed at promoting STEM education, spit the blueberries back out so they could be examined, and 2 of his original total were disqualified for breaking, leaving him with 146 for the record.

The record must now be verified with Guinness, which lists Indian manDinesh Shivnath Upadhyaya, aka "Maximouth," as the current record holder for fitting 86 blueberries in his mouth.

Source: UPI

Garlic peel hack goes viral:Are you someone who hates peeling garlic? Well, a new garlic peeling hack has folks on the Internet amazed, and it could make life easier for you. The video, posted by @VPestilenZ, shows someone gently stabbing a knife into the clove while still on the bulb and then simply pulling it out of its skin. The post has already been liked over 385,000 times, with some celebrities even mystified.Chrissy Teigenshared the video, simply writing “WHAAAAT.” Check it outhere. Source:Mashable

Hotels.com Will Pay $10,000 To Lounge By The Pool At Resorts

If chilling by the pool with a drink in your hand sounds like the way you’d like to spend the summer, now you can get a short-term side hustle doing just that. Hotels.com is hiring someone to travel around for two weeks, stay at luxury resorts, and lounge by its pools. And the job pays $10,000!

Hotels.com explains that the chosen “Poolhop” will be documenting their fun while visiting the Four Seasons in Kona, Hawaii, the Mondrian Los Angeles, the SLS Las Vegas, the Garden of the Gods Club and Resort in Colorado Springs, Colorado, The William Vale Hotel in Brooklyn, and the National Hotel in Miami. The online travel company is sending one lucky person to all six resorts over two weeks in August to create Instagram-worthy content and share their experiences on their social media platforms.

The gig is open to anyone over 21 who can swim and is available to travel around the U.S. in August. You canapply nowthrough 11:59 pm on June 25th by giving your name, Instagram handle, a review of your favorite hotel pool, and a compelling reason you’re the best choice to be the Hotels.com Poolhop. The winner will find out shortly after July 4th.


No Deodorant In The Summer?

No deodorant is the LAST thing we need to hear about – or smell – in the summertime.

Word from a new YouGov Plan and Track pollsays about 50% of millennialsaren’tusing deodorant and actually? Haven’t used it in the past month.

Apparently, there are concerns about reducing the amount of aluminum going into our bodies. You in? Let’s hear what some have to say about that:

  • Angie Bee says: “Vomit. Trust me, in the heat of summer ESPECIALLY... you need it.”
  • “Whhhhha. Come on! And summer just started!” -JoJo notes
  • AndRenee offers:“It’s actually better for you. It’s just like not needing to wash your hair everyday or every other day for that matter.”


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