Survey says 28% of delivery drivers have taken some of your food
Ever get the feeling that there should have been more shrimp in your Chinese food order? You're not imagining things.
Anew surveyconducted by food service distributor U.S. Food shows that 28% of delivery drivers have helped themselves to their customer's food.
Not surprisingly, most customers say that's not cool. At all. On a scale of one to 10, with one being "no big deal" and 10 signifying "absolutely unacceptable," customers said delivery drivers eating their food ranked an 8.4. In fact, 85% say they wish eateries could put tamper-evident lids or labels on their food to prevent any mid-trip nibbling.
More than half of those hungry drivers admit to have being tempted by the smell of your grub, whether they give into temptation or not.
The study quizzed 1,518 American adults who recently used food delivery apps, including UberEats, Grubhub, and DoorDash, as well as nearly 500 people who delivered food for a living.
The poll also noted that 17% of customers complained that their food wasn't fresh or warm, while 16% said their food was delivered late.
While 95% of users say they tip regularly, 60% of delivery drivers complained of receiving little or nothing for their efforts. But nowadays, with apps containing service and other fees, how much should we be tipping?
Both drivers and customers settled on $4 as a good average tip, but more than half of customers saying weather is a factor in the decision to be more generous come delivery time.
Woman accused of urinating on potatoes in Walmart turns herself in
Because we know you're thinking it, we'll say it: this lady certainly put the 'p' in potato.
Law enforcement in West Mifflin, Pennsylvania sayGrace Brown was accompanied by her attorney as she turned herself in Tuesday afternoon after the 20-year-old was apprehended last Thursday urinating on a bin of potatoes in a West Mifflin Walmart.
Authorities identified Brown through surveillance footage before contacting her. According to the borough's police department, Brown confirmed that she's the person on camera. An employee at the Walmart also witnessed Brown's tinkle on the taters.
"She's embarrassed," Brown's attorney,Casey White,told WTAE-TV. "She's a young woman that made a mistake, but she's going to address whatever issues she may or may not have."
Walmart said in a statement that the affected tots were immediately disposed of and the area was sanitized.
Half Of Employees Would Give Up Vacation Time For More Money
Most of us know that having some time away from the office is essential for our mental health, but it turns out there are plenty of people who would be perfectly happy never taking a break in exchange for one thing – money.
A new Allianz Insurance survey finds that 49% of Americans would gladly take a job with no vacation time if means getting a higher salary. Of course, that salary increase better be a good one for folks to forgo time off. In fact, the average American says they’d need a 48% increase in salary to give up their vacation time, although 20% would do it for just 24%. And then there are the people whoreallyneed to be compensated, with 16% saying they’d only take the offer if it doubled their salary.
But there are plenty of people who value days off more than money. The poll finds that 34% of Americans would actually give up some of their salary if it meant getting unlimited vacation time. As for how much money they’d give up, the average person would forgo 26% of their salary for unlimited vacations. And it seems some people don’t have to do that, since 10% of people say they already have unlimited vacation time.
Parents giving up custody of kids to help pay for college:We know college is expensive and apparently some parents are taking extreme steps in order to get the money needed for tuition. According to a report, some parents in Chicago are scamming the system by relinquishing legal guardianship of their kids to someone like a friend or aunt, during their junior or senior year of high school, which will then let the kids declare themselves financially independent and thereby eligible for federal, state and university aid. An investigation by ProPublica found 40 such guardianship cases between January 2018 and June 2019, and there is speculation things like this are happening all over the country. SourceMSN
Teacher Finds 2.12-Carat Diamond In State Park
A family vacation to an Arkansas State Park led a teacher to make a “sparkling discovery” when he found a big diamond.Josh Lanikwas walking through Crater of Diamonds State Park when he spotted the jelly bean-sized rock and he says he could tell right away there was something different about it.
“I saw the shine, and when I picked it up and rolled it in my hand, I noticed there weren’t any sharp edges,” Lanik says.
Park staff informed him that the 2.12-carat “brandy-colored gem” is the largest diamond found in the park so far this year. They say it’s worth thousands and that recent rain storms may have helped him get lucky.