Have you ever held your credit card between your lips as you fished around in your bag to find your wallet? If so, you may want to rethink this practice because new research reveals just how gross it really is. According to astudy by LendEDU, our credit and debit cards are actually the most bacteria-covered things in our purses. Yep, even dirtier than dollar bills, so you definitely don’t want that thing in your mouth.
So just how nasty are we talking? The dirtiest card LendEDU tested was filthier than a door handle at McDonald’s and a NYC subway pole. Researchers found the backsides of the cards were significantly germier than the front, which makes sense because that’s the part that touches more surfaces. The study gives credit and debit cards a germ score of 285, compared to cash at 160 and coins at 136. And for reference, a Penn Station public restroom has a germ score of 165, which is way less than credit cards.
So your plastic is probably disgusting, but it doesn’t need to stay that way. You can easily pull out all those cards and sanitize them. Give them a rub down with a cleaning wipe from time to time and you’re good to go.