“Storm Area 51” Page Is Pulled By Facebook- An event page dedicated to a tongue-in-cheek "raid" on Area 51 has been taken down by Facebook.
More than two million people had signed up for the event, planned for September 20th at the military installation in the Nevada desert, to “see them aliens.”Mathew Roberts, the event creator, says the page was removed for violating community standards but was given no further explanation.
Instead, Roberts says he's planning a festival to take place the same day, but far from the top secret base. He set up a page for that event, but it has also been removed by Facebook.
Facebook hasn’t commented.
Some People Actually Are Wired To Jump Out Of Bed And Face The Day- You know those people that just hop out of bed ready to face the day? It drives us crazy, but there’s a scientific reason for it!
About one in 300 people have no problem jumping out of bed at four or five a.m. A study out of the University of California San Francisco that these people have what researchers call "advanced sleep phase." Basically, their internal clock is running hours earlier than everyone else's.
Their bodies release melatonin prematurely, which gives them that kick they need to get up and face the day. The downside is they can’t stay awake to socialize at night.
Night owls have body clocks that are delayed, but there are negative effects there. They have a hard time functioning at work and are many times sleep deprived. These advanced phases may actually run in the family, but more research is needed to confirm it.
The researchers hope their study will raise more awareness of advanced sleep phases.
Disney Is Rebooting “Home Alone” And Other Movies -The House of Mouse is rebooting four of it’s modern classic films for its Disney+ platform.
Disney CEO Bob Iger said yesterday that they will create “re-imagined versions” of “Home Alone,” “Cheaper By The Dozen,” “Night At The Museum,” and “Diary Of A Wimpy Kid.” That’s where he left it, so we’ll have to wait for details.
Meanwhile, Disney is looking to make a splash when it debuts its new streaming subscription service by bundling three products. The company announced in its earnings report today that it will bundle the new Disney+ with Hulu and ESPN+ for about 13 dollars a month. The three bought separately would cost consumers about 18 dollars a month.
Disney+ will cost about seven dollars a month for those who don't want to bundle. That service is scheduled to begin on November 12th. It will include Disney, Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars movies as well as National Geographic programming.
Source:Good Morning America
Police Have a New Way of Telling If You’re Driving High
Until now, there has been no foolproof roadside method to detect a state of drug intoxication. According to Narconon, an AA-style drug rehabilitation organization, signs of marijuana abuse include bloodshot eyes, euphoria or unwarranted laughter or glee, increased appetite, and foggy memory. The new tool available to police, which will allow faster assessment of a driver’s state, is called the Dräger DrugTest 5000. Using a mouth swab to determine whether a driver is high on weed, it has already been employed at checkpoints in Los Angeles, San Diego, and New York City, and in parts of Arizona and Nevada. These tests may become more and more necessary for law enforcement as legalized pot has given rise to several multibillion-dollar businesses in the U.S. These are America’s largest marijuana companies. The device can also detect the presence of cocaine, opiates, methamphetamine, amphetamine, methadone, and benzodiazepines in the bloodstream, though it can’t detect the amount.
We May Have Unleashed Earth’s Most Indestructible Creature On The Moon- Thousands of one of Earth's most indestructible creatures may now be living on the Moon.
That's according to the Arch Mission Foundation, which says microscopic tardigrades were aboard Israel's Beresheet probe when it crash landed on the lunar surface in April. Tardigrades can withstand extreme radiation, heat, cold and live for decades without food or water. They are nicknamed Water Bears and have been on earth for a half billion years.
To give you an idea of how indestructible these creatures are, they’ve been brought back to life after a 30 year deep freeze!
Foundation officials say they believe the chance that the tardigrades survived the crash is "extremely high." They were included on the trip as part of a "Lunar Library," which contains a microscopic archive of human history and Earth's biology. But, as there is no crewed mission planned for the Moon until 2024, it is unlikely that they will ever be recovered.