A Three-Year-Old’s Lemonade Stand Made Over $700 For Police K9 Unit
A toddler in Wisconsin has donated all the money from her profitable lemonade stand to her local police department’s K9 unit.Mollie Stephenswas hosting a three-day yard sale at her house in Germantown and needed something to keep her three-year-old daughter,Lainie, busy and came up with the lemonade stand idea.
The mom thought it would be a good activity for Lainie and give her a chance to help the Germantown Police Department’s K9 Unit, which is completely community funded. But when Police ChiefPeter Hoellstopped by andshared a photoof the kid hard at work for a good cause, business started booming. By the end of the weekend, Lainie made more than $700 at her lemonade stand. “It was pretty incredible,” Mollie says of the support the community showed her daughter.
Coffee Addicts, You Could Get Paid $1k To Drink Up
A company that works to support small-business ventures is on the hunt for a coffee-loving candidate to sip lattes, espresso or any coffee drink they prefer and they’ll pay $1,000 for the gig. Of course, there’s a catch (there’s always a catch) – and this one may be a deal-breaker. You can’t get your caffeine fix from any “corporate coffee shops” you may regularly frequent, like Starbucks or Dunkin’ saysthey’ll pay a “self-professed Starbucks junkie” to ditch them for a full month and get their cuppa Joe at locally owned coffee shops instead. Still interested?
For the job, you’ll have to visit at least eight locally-owned coffee shops over the course of the month, snap photos of your orders, document “key metrics” and write up summaries of the visits. They’ll even give you part of the pay ($250) up front so you can buy the drinks and then you get the rest at the end of the month. There are “no drug tests or background checks required,” and they’re taking applications through September 30th.
Source:Fox News
A Frat Scored $7,500 Worth Of White Claw During The “Shortage”
We recentlytold you aboutthe White Claw shortage that’s affecting hard seltzer drinkers. Fans of the brand are dealing with tough times without cans of their favorite boozy sparkling water, but somehow an unnamed fraternity in Austin, Texas managed to score $7,500 worth of the stuff.
According toAaliyah Trevino, an H-E-B supermarket employee who snapped a now-deletedphotoof the frat bros haul, they got three full pallets of Claw. No wonder there’s a shortage! No word on when White Claw will be back on shelves, but the company says it’s “working around the clock to increase supply.”
Instagram Model Makes $100,000 A Year Taking Pics Of Her 6.5 Inch Tongue:Mikayla Saraviais an Instagram model and influencer who makes a ton of money because of her massive tongue.The 21-year-old has around 2 million followers who admire the size of her 6.5-inch tongue. She gets paid between $900 and $3,000 to post pics of her eating or licking food items. Sometimes she makes big money for simply wearing a bikini while sticking out her tongue. Her followers will often compare her to a “snake” or “lizard” because of how long her tongue is. She made a ton of money last year by simply posing with a turkey for Thanksgiving and says that she anticipates she can pull down about $50,000.
Study: Drinking Tea Is Good For Your Brain
If you’re a devoted coffee drinker, you may want to switch to a cup of tea now and then after hearing this. According to anew studyfrom the University of Singapore, sipping tea could benefit your brain as you get older by preventing some of the signs of age-related decline.
The findings show that people who drank green tea, oolong tea, or black tea at least four times a week over a 25-year period have better organized brain regions - which is associated with healthy cognitive function - compared to non-tea drinkers. But why is it better for your brain regions to be “connected in a more efficient way?”
Study authorDr. Feng Leicompares it to road traffic, where brain regions are destinations and the connections between them are roads. If the road system is more organized, getting back and forth is more efficient and uses less resources. So if the brain is better connected, information is processed more efficiently.
Plus, the health benefits of drinking tea aren’t just limited to the brain. Previous research fromHarvard Healthshows the polyphenols in green tea may help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and of developing diabetes. So who’s ready to put the kettle on?