Want a relationship? Don't play hard to get, study says
There's a school of thought when it comes to dating that posing a challenge to a potential mate piques their interest.
Don't do it.
Anew study reviewed the findings of six other studies on the topic and revealed that playing "hard to get" is a losing hand for those looking for a relationship.
"People may protect themselves from the possibility of a painful rejection by distancing themselves from potentially rejecting partners," says study co-authorHarry Reis, a professor in Arts, Sciences & Engineering at Rochester.
In other words, the harder-to-get you act, the less likely someone is to pursue you at all.
Instead, "certainty" of a potential partner was found to be more sexually attractive. Asked to rate sexual attractiveness on a five-point scale, with higher scores meaning greater attraction, those who felt more certain in a new relationship rated their potential partner's sexual attraction at an average 3.15. The hard-to-gets, however, rated an average 2.73 out of five.
"People experience higher levels of sexual desire when they feel confident about a partner’s interest and acceptance," Reis explained.
Too Much Coffee May Give You Migraines- When it comes to coffee, the news isn’t all good.
A new study links heavy caffeine consumption with migraines. The study out of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard University found that three or more cups of coffee or caffeinated beverages in one day can lead to headaches in people who already get episodic migraines. The link remained regardless of other factors like alcohol consumption and sleep.
Super intense migraines affects about 1.04 billion people annually. About 87-percent of Americans drink coffee per day.
Source:Study Finds
Guinea Pig Ice Cream Is A Thing: In Ecuador, they really love their ice cream as well as some interesting flavors. There's an ice cream stand in Quito, Ecuadorthat just started selling a guinea pig flavor. The main ingredient is actual guinea pig meat. that's because guinea pigs are actually a delicacy in the country. They are often roasted with a little salt and pepper and served with some potatoes and a peanut sauce. The ice cream matches that flavor and is selling out as soon as it's made.
Could You Go A Year Without Your Smartphone For 100 Grand?
Remember Vitaminwater’s “scroll free for a year” challenge that dared people to go smartphone free for a whole year to win $100,000? Well, this New York woman is eight months into her smartphone-free year, and just four months away from claiming grand prize. Thousands of people applied to be chosen as the perfect candidate to spend a year without touching their smartphone, but in the end, the only person who got to try and survive for an entire year without a handheld was Elana Mugdan, a 29-year-old fiction writer from Queens, New York. “I’ve decided that I will never go back to smartphone use once the one-year contest is up,” Mugdan told CNN. “I don’t think I can be trusted with the technology — if I have access to a smartphone, I suspect I’ll go right back to abusing it, wasting time, staying up all hours of the night on it, and getting addicted to social media, and I really don’t want to go back to all that.”
- How much would you be willing to give up your smartphone for entire year?
Oversleeping: What’s The One Moment or Occasion that Oversleeping Really Got You In Trouble?
I’ve overslept a few times in my life and once I overslept so late I missed a show I was supposed to do. It was a total nightmare, but life goes on. Here’s a nightmare story for someone who overslept. A 21-year-old man was sentenced to 10 days in jail after he overslept and missed jury duty, court records show. Deandre Somerville, of West Palm Beach, Fla., was ruled in contempt of the court in September by a circuit court judge. Somerville did not have a criminal record prior to the judge’s ruling. He was also put on probation for a year and ordered to pay a $223 fine, write an apology letter of no less than 100 words and complete 150 hours of community service -- which included reporting to the jury office once a week to have a 10-minute discussion about the importance of jury duty, according to the records.
- What’s your most memorable “I can’t believe I overslept” moment? Did you lose your job or a friend because of it?