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Hannah's Headlines - 10/11/2019


Worst Things To Give Out To Trick-Or-Treaters

In just a couple of weeks trick-or-treaters will be dressed up in costumes knocking on your door and expecting some candy. But for some reason, some folks like to give out other things for Halloween, which really disappoints the kids who wanted a Reese’s Cup. If you don’t want to be that person, don’t pass out any of these to trick-or-treaters.

  • Raisins- These may be sweet, but they’re not candy, so no one wants them for Halloween. Raisinettes are covered in chocolate, so that’s a step in the right direction.
  • Apples- Trick-or-treaters don’t want you to give them something their parents would feed them any day of the year.
  • Animal crackers- As a general rule, don’t try to pass off lunchbox snacks as Halloween treats. So steer clear of pretzels, fruit snacks, and granola bars, too.
  • Circus Peanuts- They’re an old-school candy that’s now considered one of the worst, so don’t waste anyone’s time with these orange marshmallowy things.
  • Wax candy- While wax fangs and lips are technically edible, no one actually wants to eat them.
  • Unwrapped candy- No parent in their right mind would allow their kids to eat some questionable candy that wasn’t in a wrapper, and the same goes for homemade treats too.
  • Breath mints- Kids don’t care about fresh breath and this isn’t real candy anyway.
  • Loose change- You can’t eat money and what’s a six-year-old going to buy with your dime?
  • Toothbrushes- Sure, Halloween is all about candy and sugar is bad for your teeth, but unless you’re a dentist, stop with the toothbrushes. And don’t get us started on giving out dental floss on Halloween. Stick to candy - the GOOD candy - and everyone will be happy.

Source:The Daily Meal

Survey says one in four of us has NEVER eaten a vegetable

While our parents usually nagged us to eat our vegetables, a new survey shows that a shocking number of us have never done so.


The poll of 2,000 Americans conducted byVeggieTracker.comand commissioned by healthy foot company Dr. Praeger's noted that not only are there way too many people who have never eaten a vegetable, even those who have eaten veggies don't eat them nearly enough. In fact, the average person only includes veggies in a third of their meals.

"While more and more people are adopting plant-based diets, there’s still a long way to go toward reaching recommended consumption levels," saysLarry Praeger, CEO of Dr. Praeger's, in a statement.

The poll also quizzed people as to which vegetables they love, which they hated, and why they chose to skip veggies altogether.

Ninety-one percent of Americans polled admitted they loved corn, with potatoes coming in a close second favorite. Carrots and tomatoes, were third and fourth on the list, respectively, while onions and green beans tied for fifth.

As for why we skip eating veggies? A quarter said they thought veggies were too expensive, while the same number felt their produce rots before they can eat it. Almost as many, 22%, say vegetables take too long to prepare, and 20% say they just don't know how to cook them.  

And Americans' least favorite vegetable? Turnips.

Man's Pet Fish Survives Tumor Surgery

People will do just about anything for their pets. Even if that pet is a fish. An Australian man was relieved to hear that his pet fish,Bubbles, had successfully undergone surgery to remove a potentially deadly tumor. 

Bubbles is believed to be between five and eight years old and started growing a mass about six months ago. Bubbles’ owner,Michael Dare, owns an Acupuncture Clinic and contacted James Cook University veterinarians, who told him that the tumor could be fatal for the fish if it wasn’t operated on. 

The procedure reportedly took 10 minutes and Bubbles was then placed back into freshwater. It's reported that he is doing well and swimming on his own. The cost of the procedure was around $300. 

Source:New York Post 

One in Four People Has Had A Fantasy About a Cartoon Character:It's amazing what we will fantasize about. A sex psychologist namedDr. Justin Lehmillerrecently surveyed 4,000Americans about their sexual fantasies for his new book,"Tell Me What You Want". What he found was that one in four of us has had a sexual fantasy about a cartoon character. He also went on to say that more than half of us have fantasized about a fictional character from a book or movie and that one in three has fantasized about a mythical creature, like a vampire or Bigfoot. His theory behind the study is that we start fantasizing about fictional characters when we get bored with our sex lives and need some novelty and variety.

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