While our parents usually nagged us to eat our vegetables, a new survey shows that a shocking number of us have never done so.
The poll of 2,000 Americans conducted byVeggieTracker.comand commissioned by healthy foot company Dr. Praeger's noted that not only are there way too many people who have never eaten a vegetable, even those who have eaten veggies don't eat them nearly enough. In fact, the average person only includes veggies in a third of their meals.
"While more and more people are adopting plant-based diets, there’s still a long way to go toward reaching recommended consumption levels," saysLarry Praeger, CEO of Dr. Praeger's, in a statement.
The poll also quizzed people as to which vegetables they love, which they hated, and why they chose to skip veggies altogether.
Ninety-one percent of Americans polled admitted they loved corn, with potatoes coming in a close second favorite. Carrots and tomatoes, were third and fourth on the list, respectively, while onions and green beans tied for fifth.
As for why we skip eating veggies? A quarter said they thought veggies were too expensive, while the same number felt their produce rots before they can eat it. Almost as many, 22%, say vegetables take too long to prepare, and 20% say they just don't know how to cook them.
And Americans' least favorite vegetable? Turnips.