Would You Hit Up A Date On LinkedIn?
Tinder and Bumble can get SERIOUSLY boooring after a while. It’s annoying to sift through all those profiles and still not find what you’re looking for. That’s why some people have taken to LinkedIn of all places to look for a potential match!
It sounds weird, and it kind of is, BUT it has its perks! LinkedIn lets you know where your new boo work, so you’ll know if they are makingthat money! Here are some more reasons daters have been turning to LinkedIn:
- If it doesn’t work, you at least make a professional contact!—- Networking at its finest and flirtiest!
- It can help you reconnect with an old flame— Want to hit up your ex? LinkedIn is wayyy more casual than a late night text.
- You’ll know what they do for work— Want a partner who’s makingthat money? Scope them out on LinkedIn!
LinkedIn is a professional website, BUT if you tiptoe around certain stuff, it can be where you find your new date! Just don’t be creepy, and be cautious! Don’t blow up your professional life for date.
The Must-See Vacation Destinations For 2020
Are you looking for some new ideas for your next vacation? Well, Airbnb is here to help. The site has just come out with their list of the top 20 trending destinations for 2020 based on booking data that compares year-to-year growth for thousands of destinations.
Interestingly, the top destination for next year is right here in the United States. Believe it or not, Milwaukee, Wisconsin tops the list, one of three U.S. destinations landing in the Top 20. The others include Cape Canaveral, Florida (12) and Eugene, Oregon (7).
Top Ten Trending Vacation Destinations For 2020
(click herefor the complete list)
- Milwaukee, WI
- Bilbao, Spain
- Buriram, Thailand
- Sunbury, Victoria, Australia
- Romania
- Xi'an, China
- Eugene, OR
- Luxembourg
- Guadalajara, Mexico
- Vanuatu
How Many Chances Do You Give A Company or Product Before You Never Go Back?
Americans abide by a “three strikes and you’re out” policy when it comes to shopping, according to new research. A new poll found that the average American consumer will give a retailer only three mistakes with their purchase before deciding to never shop with them again. Nearly eight in 10 Americans also say that they wouldn’t shop with a retailer ever again if they encountered bad customer service. Sixty-six percent of those aged 25 to 44, however, do agree that “the customer is always right.”
- Do you believe the customer is always right?
- When is the customer wrong?
Lost Dog Reunited With Owner 12 Years Later, 1,000 Miles Away in Pittsburgh
A 14-year-old toy fox terrier was reunited with its Florida owner in Pittsburgh after being missing for 12 years. Dutchess got loose on Feb. 28, 2007, from her home in Boca Raton. Katheryn Strang took two days to make the drive to Pittsburgh for the reunion at Humane Animal Rescue's shelter on Friday "Dutchess," Strang said to workers at the shelter and the media. "Hi, baby, I've missed you so." Someone found the dog under a shed in Carnegie on Tuesday -- hungry, shivering and in need of a nail trim. She was brought to the shelter. Because the dog was microchipped with the owner's information on it implanted, Fisher was able to contact Strang. Strang surmises the dog got into someone's car and made the trip north because she likes to ride in vehicles. She said she was shocked to find out the dog was alive.
Granny Glasses Chains Are In Now
If you check out pictures from the past month in fashion and you’ll see an old accessory becoming a new trend. It seems glasses chains – yep, like the ones your grandma wears so she doesn’t lose her specs – are in style now.
Street style stars have been spotted recently rocking variations on the look. Some like delicate chains, that are barely noticeable, while others opt for thick, lucite ones that definitely catch your eye. And then others are putting a young and modern twist on granny glasses chains and wearing whimsical styles covered in bright colored stars.
As for HOW you wear them, there are options there too. You can wear them behind your neck in the classic glasses chain style, or just dangling in front, like a hat strap. Some fashionistas are even wrapping the glasses chain around their necks a few times, for a fresh way to style them. And they actually make this old school accessory look cool.