Do You Let Your Boo Know When Your Ex Hits You Up?
Picture this, you’re watching Netflix with your bae, and you get a notification that your ex has just slid their way into your DM’s. Are you hiding your phone from your bae or letting them know you’re getting hit up by a past lover?
Every relationship is different, but experts say it's usually better to be up-front about it.Julie Spira, online dating expert and CEO atCyber-Dating Expert,says you should ask yourself “will your partner feel uncomfortable knowing there’s a digital sidebar going on with your ex?” If yes – own up.Let’s review:
- If it’s not a big deal(like “what’s that restaurant we went to last year?), don’t treat it like one.
- But say it’s a “you wanna hook up?” or something like it – don’t be a dummy. Spill it before someone else does.
And here’s the smart stuff: if you’re spilling the beans, “do it in person.” Shizz goes bad over text...and imagine how you’d feel looking at a screen shot with no context. It ain’t a cute look. “Your S.O. can’t look into your eyes and see any emotions,” says Spira. “Nor can they hear the tone of your voice."
Speaking of tone, you obviously don’t want to sound excited about the textand you don’t want to sound upset about it either. "The more matter-of-fact you can be in the tone of your voice and the short amount of time spent on telling them,” Spira notes. “The better off it is for your relationship.”
Source:Elite Daily
Mystery First Date Vacay With A Rando From A Dating App – You In?
Your parents probably told you “don’t talk to strangers” but they never said anything about going on amystery vacationwith a stranger did they?In what doesn’t seem like the plot to a horror movie at all,two singles from England are planning to spend their first date at ‘an undisclosed vacation location.’
As the story goes,Ben Windlematched withEmilyon Bumble over the weekend and then booked a destination first meetup within the following 24 hours. Usingthe British app Wowcher, Ben was able to purchase a trip for about $100. The catch? You’re not told where you’re actually spending your vacation beforehand.
The idea for the first date started as a joke when they potential couple first matched and started messaging, but it quickly became real when Ben released hismystery vacation dateplan on Facebook and got thousands of shares. While the vacation will be the first time they’ve met, they have admitted to video chatting a little,they aren’t crazy!
Ben says he’s looking forward to the spontaneous vacation and he’s "not looking to get married. If that happens then okay, I'm pretty open to all that stuff."Slow down Ben You don’t even know if there is marriage where you’re going!
Need a lift? These self-driving scooters will come pick you up
While commuters in many cities are getting around thanks to "ride 'em and leave 'em" electric scooters and bikes provided by various companies, sometimes you can't find one when you really need one. Not to mention, some bike sharing systems like New York's Citibike require sidewalk-cluttering banks to store them.
Enter self-driving scooters and bikes. A company called Tortoise is creating vehicles that will drive themselves TO YOU.
As the name implies, the scooters, using tech developed byTortoise,will slowly but steadily make its way to your location, thanks to a pair of training wheels, GPS and other high-tech gadgetry. But if it gets knocked over, it's helpless, also like its namesake. In that case, a signal is sent to a home base that it needs help, according to
The Tortoise tech can be used by various company's bikes and scooters, such as Uber or Segway. A pilot program is currently underway in Peachtree Corner, Georgia.
"The days of going on a wild-goose chase to find an electric scooter or bike are over," notes Tortoise's co-founder and CEO,Dmitry Shevelenko.
The New Extreme Saving Method Helping Millennial Retire Early
You’d think that after the Fyre Festival documentaries that millennials would steer clear of any financial investment withFirein the name -but nope. A growing number of people under 30 are joining an extreme-savings trend know has theF.I.R.E. Movementwith the hopes of a super early retirement.
F.I.R.E. stands for "Financial Independence Retire Early” and it’s followers try to invest as much as75-percentof their annual income while drastically cutting down on day-to-day expenses.That means saying goodbye to your avocado toast.
Obviously, not working sounds like fun, but it could also be bad for your health long term. AsCapitalist PigfounderJohnathan Hoenigputs it: “You're 90 percent more likely to die early to retire at 55 as against retiring at 65.”
So then the question is: Would you rather live longer working at a job you hate, or have a shorter life as a retiree at the ripe old age of 30?Decisions.
Source:Fox Business
Oreo Puts A Twist On The Traditional Gingerbread House -Leave it to Oreo to take a holiday tradition to another level.
After churning out unique flavors for the last few years, Oreo is out with a Holiday Chocolate Cookie House Kit. While gingerbread houses are typically for decoration, this house is for eating… after you admire it and take a pic for social media.
The kit’s packed with pre-baked chocolate cookie pieces, pre-made icing, Oreo cookies, Oreo mini cookies, fruity gummies, and candy jewels.
Good luck trying to find it. Big Lots is sold out and Amazon doesn’t have it. If you’re willing to pay four or five times the $10 sale price, you can get it on Ebay through third parties.
Starbucks gets spooky for Halloween with Phantam Frappuccino:Starbucks is getting into the Halloween spirit. The coffee giant is adding the scary new drink, the Phantom Frappuccino, to its menus through Halloween. The black drink, made with black charcoal powder, features a “ghoulish lime slime. It is a chilled, blended drink made from coconut milk, mango and pineapple essence, crème Frappuccino syrup with the citrus-flavored slime, and it can also come with optional dark coconut whipped cream. Unfortunately, the Phantom Frap isn’t available in the U.S. It’s set to debut on Saturday in some European countries, including Spain and the UK. Check it outhere. Source:People
Cheating Once is Okay, As Long As You Regret It: Dr. Ruth
According to 91-year-old sex therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer, being honest about cheating on a partner could “make a bad impression” for someone looking for a long-term relationship. “I don’t believe in honesty at all costs,” the saucy shrink says. Westheimer says if someone cheats while under the influence of alcohol and regrets the romp later, those feelings are an indication not to tell a partner. Doing so could inevitably sabotage the relationship, she says. “If you did a one-night stand because you had too much to drink and never saw that person again, keep your mouth shut,” she says. “Don’t tell your partner.” On the flip side, Westheimer says that honesty is pivotal if a person is looking for a long-term relationship and advises telling a partner about cheating to help evolve the relationship. Manhattan-based psychiatrist Dr. Kenneth Rosenberg, author of “Infidelity: Why Men and Women Cheat” tells The Post that the number of women who cheat has actually skyrocketed. “Twenty percent of men cheat, but that number has been stable for the past 20 or so years,” he says. “For women, it’s 15 percent, but that number has gone up 50 percent over the past 20 years.”
How To Make Your Pumpkin Last Through Halloween
Carving a Jack-o’-lantern is one of the best parts of Halloween, but watching that pumpkin you worked so hard on wither away on the porch? Not so much. Fortunately, following these tips can help your pumpkin creation last through Halloween.
- Clean the inside- Scrape all the pumpkin guts out really well because they’ll get moldy quickly. Wipe down the surface and inside witha teaspoon of bleachper one quart of water to kill any bacteria and let it dry before carving.
- After you carve, give it a bleach-water bath- Submerge your carved pumpkin in a bucket filled with water and ⅔ cup of bleach and let it soak for up to 24 hours.
- Grease it up- Apply Vaseline, vegetable oil, or WD-40 to the carved edges to keep them from drying out too fast. But all of these are flammable, so only use a flameless votive inside, not a candle.
- Rehydrate daily- Pumpkins will shrivel without moisture, so spray it every day with water mixed with a few drops of bleach.
- Stick it in the fridge overnight- Store it in a plastic bag in the fridge or in the basement, or some other cool, dark area of the house when you’re not showing off your Jack-o’-lantern on the porch.
- Give it an ice bath- If your gourd starts to wilt, try an ice bath overnight. And dry it completely so it doesn’t get moldy.
- Skip the real candles- They heat the pumpkin up, so tryflickering flameless candlesor glow sticks instead.
- Don’t let it freeze- Bring it inside at night if the weather is freezing.
- Don’t carve it- It may seem anti-Halloween, but it’ll stay fresh for much longer if you opt to paint the pumpkin instead.
Source:Woman's Day