You’d think that after the Fyre Festival documentaries that millennials would steer clear of any financial investment withFirein the name -but nope. A growing number of people under 30 are joining an extreme-savings trend know has theF.I.R.E. Movementwith the hopes of a super early retirement.
F.I.R.E. stands for "Financial Independence Retire Early” and it’s followers try to invest as much as75-percentof their annual income while drastically cutting down on day-to-day expenses.That means saying goodbye to your avocado toast.
Obviously, not working sounds like fun, but it could also be bad for your health long term. AsCapitalist PigfounderJohnathan Hoenigputs it: “You're 90 percent more likely to die early to retire at 55 as against retiring at 65.”
So then the question is: Would you rather live longer working at a job you hate, or have a shorter life as a retiree at the ripe old age of 30?Decisions.
Source:Fox Business