Study: People Who Curse Make Better Besties
If your BFFs swear regularly, consider yourself lucky. Research finds that folks who frequently curse are more likely to be honest and unfiltered, which makes them better friends.
An international team of academics looked at the relationship between profanity and honesty and found that instead of people with potty mouths being brazen or inappropriate, as they were considered in the past, they’re actually direct and willing to tell the truth. So if you value transparency and openness in your besties, find some that swear like sailors.
“Profanity can be positively associated with honesty,” theresearchexplains. “It is often used to express one’s unfiltered feelings and sincerity.”
And if you’re trying to figure out if your buddy took your lip gloss or ate your last cookie, cursing is a great sign. It turns out, innocent suspects are “more likely to use swear words than guilty suspects when denying accusations.” So keep hanging out with your foul-mouthed friends and you’ll not only be entertained, you’ll know they’re telling you the truth.
*LIST* Apple Releases New Batch Of Food Emojis
Apple has just released hundreds of new emojis and out of the 398 newbies, there are nine food-related ones. Along with other new additions like a flamingo, razor, and firefighter, the garlic emoji is finally here, just in time to protect us from vampires for Halloween.
Other new food emojis include:
- A waffle
- Onion
- A falafel platter
- Butter
- Oyster
- Apple juice box
- An ice cube
- And Mate - which is a caffeinated drink common in many South American countries.
FDA Warns You Can Actually Overdose On Black Licorice
If there’s one candy that’s polarizing, it’s black licorice. And it turns out, this old-fashioned treat can actually send you to the ER if you overdo it. While most of us don’t have anything to worry about because we don’t touch the stuff, the FDA has issued anofficial warningto keep people safe.
So what’s so dangerous about black licorice? It’s the harsh-tasting licorice compound, glycyrrhizin [[glih-SIR-i-zen]], which is a natural sweetener that comes from the licorice root. According to the FDA, “you really can overdose” on this candy because this compound can cause potassium levels to plummet, putting you at risk of side effects like high blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythms, lethargy, and congestive heart failure.
But you’d have to eat a ton of black licorice to experience these effects, which have only been seen in a “black licorice aficionado,” the formal warning explains. So unless you’re eating about two-ounces of the stuff a day, you’ll be just fine.
Source:The Daily Meal
Somebody Stole A Homeowner's Sidewalk:People will steal anything that isn't bolted to the ground.Even a sidewalk isn't safe in some neighborhoods. A homeownerin Richmond, Virginia learned that after someone decided to rip away her sidewalk that was in front of her home.Gina Coutlakisis trying to figure out why someone would take it. She says she didn't give anyone permission to do so and that someone came onto her private property while she was at work and simply ripped it out. She has lived in the area for 20 years and has never experienced someone taking her walkway. Neighbors say they didn't notice anything unusual. Richmond Police say a report has been filed and a detective has been assigned to the case.
You can now own a fluffy mini-cow: While dogs and cats are the most common pets for folks to have, there’s now an option that may be even cuter. Believe it or not, you can now own a mini-cow. Apparently there are 26 different breeds of mini-cattle, and some are actually used for pets. While the mini-cows cost about $1,500, they are apparently in high demand, with breeder T’s Tiny Tails sold out and currently taking names for a waitlist for 2020.Click herefor more info.
Are We Attracted To Partners That Look Like Us?
Do opposites really attract? We’ve all seen dogs that look like their owners and laughed, but how disturbing is it when you see couples that look alike? Are they really attracted to each other, or are they just in love with themselves? Researchers say it’s because people are attracted to what’s familiar to them, and our brains process familiar images more easily. This applies to people who look like our parents, friends, siblings, and especially ourselves. Here’s where it gets even weirder. In a study for the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin journal in 2010, the participants were asked to rate the attractiveness of photos of strangers who were morphed into either an image of another stranger or themselves. They proved the theory true as the result concluded they were most likely to choose the combined photo of a stranger and themselves. Our subconscious decisions in our partners should not freak you out! This it totally normal and based on complete familiarity and comfort. We’re drawn to what we know, no matter how creepy it physically looks.