A Russian Company Is Selling Robot Clones of Real People
Some people's biggest fears are coming to fruition as a Russian company is now selling robots that look just like real people. And the best part, they can actually talk like real people as well.
The company is called Promobot and they are specializing in making robot clones of real people.
They can make a robot that looks like anyone and you would be hard-pressed to find a difference from afar. Adding to the craziness is the fact that the robots also have an artificial intelligence system that allows them to talk and interact, too.
The robots cost $20,000 to $50,000, depending on how detailed you want them and the company says it's already gotten a few orders.
However, before you save up your money, you should know these robots can't walk yet but their faces, necks, and torsos can move.
The people behind Promobot say that these robots offer people, quote, "Digital immortality."
One final note: These robots can also perform workplace tasks, such as answering customer questions at offices, airports, banks, and museums, while accepting payments.
Source: CNBC
Plants Freak Out And "Panic" Whenever They Get Wet
Plants go into a state of all-consuming “panic” when it rains, according to surprised scientists. This response is so unusual because plants obviously need water to live. The researchers think that the “panic” response is due to the fact moisture creates the number one way for diseases to spread in vegetation. Biochemist Harvey Millar from The University of Western Australia explained: “When a raindrop splashes across a leaf, tiny droplets of water ricochet in all directions. These droplets can contain bacteria, viruses, or fungal spores. A single droplet can spread these up to 10 meters (32-feet) to surrounding plants.” The longer a leaf is wet, the greater the chance that a disease can take hold. So, this is why the researchers think plants react to rain like humans would react to someone sneezing on them.
Cash Back Day is the next big thing in holiday shopping:While you may not want to think about holiday shopping just yet, you may want to consider getting some done tomorrow. That’s because tomorrow is “Cash Back Day,” in which several retailers, including Home Depot, Macy's, Orvis, Bass Pro Shops, Expedia, Amazon, Overstock, and more, are offering huge rebates on purchases. In some cases, folks could be getting as much as 20% back on what they buy. There is one catch. In order to get the rebates, you must shop online and register atRetailMeNot. Source:USA Today
Experts Say Anyone Can Be “The One”
Are you single and feeling like there is “the one” just might not even exist.Good news! You’re right!This is going to sound more pessimistic than it is, but experts say that ‘soulmates’ don’t actually exist.
Think about it. Do you really think there is one single person on Earth you’re supposed to find somehow and settle down with? Have you seen the Earth?It’s pretty big.It’s just statistically impossible. And now that I’ve killed romance, let me tell you why that’s a good thing.
- Anyone Can Be The One. It’s not about finding theperson, it’s all about finding therightperson. The one is someone you share "common interests and ideals, someone with whom sex is great, and who can satisfy most of your dreams,” says relationship expertSonya Schwartz.You’re not looking for a needle in the haystack, you’re looking for the piece of hay you can be your best self with!
- Stop Sweating The Soulmate Stuff.If you’re out looking for a “soulmate” you’re only setting yourself up for disappointment. "Every argument or misstep will either be amplified or overlooked if you’re operating under the idea that this is the only person in the world who is right for you,” says relationship expertBrenda Casa.
- Definitions Of “The One” Change.You grow, you evolve, and what you want in a partner changes with it. "In most cases, it feels like 'the one' for a certain period of time” explains breakup coachTrina Leckiewho would be out of a job if everyone could actually find the one. Imagine if you were stuck with whoever you thought was the one in middle school.Yikes…
Now that the weight of finding the one is off your back, hopefully, you can just enjoy the one you’re with right now!
Source:Elite Daily
Salon Offers Silent Haircut To Combat “Over-Stimulated” World
Going to the hair salon usually means making small talk with your hairdresser,but that’s just not the case in one salon in London.Not Another Salonknows that some people don’t like all that chatting, so they’re offering customers the option of booking a “Silent Haircut.” The service comes at no extra charge, and after an initial consultation, where you’ll have to talk to your stylist, the rest of the appointment will be talk free.
“While so many of us love a chin wag at the hairdressers others just need some time out and that should be ok to ask for,” reads a post on the salon’s Instagram page. “So why is it we feel embarrassed to say we need some quiet time?” In a later interview ownerSophia Hiltonexplained her reasoning for the new service, noting, “in our over-stimulated world, alone time is scarce,” which she believes “is the key to better mental health.”
- Turns out, plenty of people are down for a quiet cut, with the post receiving responses like “amazing,” and “love this,” with one person noting, “I'd love it if all salons gave you this option.”
Source:Fox News