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Top Baby Names For 2020 Predicted

We’re getting closer to the end of 2019 and the baby name experts at Nameberry are looking forward to the baby name trends that will be big next year. They predict 2020’s top baby names by calculating which names saw the biggest increases in interest from Nameberry users this year, compared with the last few. One name that won’t be on the most popular list?Amber Rose’snew baby boy’s - the model hasnamed himsomething very unique:Slash Electric Alexander Edwards

Nameberry co-founder and CEOPamela Redmondsays they won’t know which baby names are most popular in 2020 until May of 2021. She explains, “The names here offer baby namers a heads up on trends and specific names destined to get more popular in 2020 and beyond.”

These are Nameberry’s top name predictions for 2020:


  1. Adah
  2. Reese
  3. Mika [[mee-ka]]
  4. Paisley
  5. Amina
  6. Teagan
  7. Nova
  8. Aura
  9. Pearl
  10. Billie


  1. Austin
  2. Alva
  3. Acacius
  4. Tate
  5. Diego
  6. Easton
  7. Lucius
  8. Cash
  9. Ash
  10. Luca

Source:Huffington Post

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