Putting on a "Game Face" Really Can Make You Perform Better:The next time you have a bigpresentation or meeting at work, spend a few minutes in the bathroom beforehandyelling "clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose" in the mirror and come out looking as determined as ever to nail it. It seems that putting on your "game face" is actually a really good thing. According to a new study out of the University of Tennessee, when you put on a "game face," it really can help you perform better. The researchers say, "'Game face' may not only improve performance in cognitive tasks but could also lead to better recovery from stress." What does that mean? You'll be sharper in your meeting and if someone throws out something unexpected, you'll be able to handle it better.
Acts Of Kindness Families Can Do Together
Thanksgiving may be the holiday that’s all about the food, but it’s also a time to be grateful. And one of the best ways to give thanks for your blessings is to pay it forward with acts of kindness. Want to lift your family’s spirits while lifting the spirits of others? Get the kids and do some of these good deeds that will boost your mood and help someone else.
These are acts of kindness the whole family can do together:
- Thank your local firefighters or police officers by baking them some sweet treats.
- Pay for the person in line behind you at the drive-thru.
- Hand out quarters at the laundromat.
- Write thank you notes to those you don’t get to thank enough, like your kids’ school crossing guard, soccer coach, or dance teacher.
- Tape inspiring and encouraging notes to dressing room mirrors because we could all use a little confidence boost in front of those fluorescent lights while trying on clothes.
- Feed parking meters for strangers.
- Create a diaper-change care package and leave it in a public restroom. Some unprepared mom in need of a wipe and a diaper for her little one will really appreciate this.
- Rake leaves for seniors in your neighborhood.
- Let someone cut in line or pull out in traffic ahead of you.
- Donate canned goods to your local food bank.
Do You Look Forward To Getting Sick So You Can Spend a Few Days In Bed?
I hate being sick, spending a few days in bed doing nothing but feeling awful is not my cup of tea, but according to a recent survey some people look forward to it. A new survey of over 2,300 Americans found a surprising 29 percent of people actually welcome being sick from time-to-time in order to get some rest from their day-to-day tasks and routines. Our everyday lives can be a bit hectic and stressful – especially around the holidays. Nearly 40 percent of those polled say being sick allows them time to focus on themselves and permission to slow down. While feeling sick is certainly nobody’s idea of a fun time, many people found there are some perks that can go along with it. The study, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Theraflu, also found that over one-third of respondents said they can finally catch up on some much-needed sleep while sick.
- Have you ever tried to get sick on purpose just so you can spend a few days in bed?
Two New Oreo Flavors
One of the things people love about Oreo is they’re always coming out with new flavors and they’re getting ready to launch two more. Just in time to ruin out New Year’s resolutions, new Oreos will be hitting store shelves in January 2020. So what can we look forward to? The debut of the Chocolate Marshmallow Oreo, which is filled with real marshmallow pieces and a chocolate-marshmallow creme between two classic Oreo chocolate cookies. And the Caramel Coconut flavors, which has coconut bits and caramel creme stuffed between chocolate Oreo cookies. Now all we have to do is make it until January to sink our teeth into them.