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Hannah's Headlines - 11/22/2019

Gratitude Jar Is A Great Tool For Teaching Kids Kindness -Thanksgiving is the perfect time of the year to teach kindness and gratitude.

“Good Morning America” has the perfect way: a gratitude jar. They are very simple to make, as you decorate them to taste. You can find loads of ideas on Pinterest. When you’re done, sit it on your table during the holiday.

Everyone can fill out a little card saying what they are grateful for. After your Thanksgiving meal, sit down and read them together.

If it goes over well, keep the jar on the table and use it weekly!

Source:Good Morning America

Americans Look At Their Phones 96 Times A Day

We all know we’re addicted to our phones but you probably don’t realize just how often you look at your device each day, and it’s really kinda scary.

According to a new survey:

  • Americans look at their phones 96 times a day.
  • That translates to once every ten minutes.
  • That’s a 20% increase from a similar survey conducted two years ago.

The survey also finds:

  • The number one reason folks use their phone is to stay connected with family and friends.
  • Texting is the thing most people use their phones for, and that is across all age groups, even Baby Boomers.
  • 90% of Americans are offended when someone starts looking at their phone when they are speaking to them.
  • Although three quarters of people admit they’ve looked at their phone when someone was speaking, with 20% doing it frequently. 

Source:Yahoo Finance

Scientists Figured Out a Simple Trick to Make More Friends Online:People don't just turnto the internet for online dating, they also are looking to make friends.The kind of friends that you might eventually meet up with in person. Well, in a recent study, researchers might have figured out a simple trick for making more friends online. You just have to do one thing: Join as many groups as possible. Computer scientists at Rice University went through a bunch of data from sites like Facebook and Instagram and after all their number-crunching, the answer was just that simple. The more "groups" within a social media platform you join, the more friends you'll make. Plus, if the groups are about things you're interested in, you'll make even stronger connections. If you're just going for pure volume, the type of group you join doesn't really matter. This is also good advice if you want to make more friends offline as well. Researchers say that when you get involved with something you're interested in, you tend to meet people with similar interests. So it works in the real world too.

Study: An Extra 43 Minutes Of Sleep Can Improve Health

According to the CDC, adults need at leastseven hours of sleepper night for good health, but most of us aren’t getting it. All kinds of things can interfere with sleep, like hormones and stress, but we tend to convince ourselves we have too much work to do or that one more episode won’t hurt, so we stay up.

But anew studyfrom Penn State University debunks the idea that our busy lives keep us from sleep. Researchers tracked college students with hectic schedules and found when they made time for extra sleep, they not only felt less tired, their overall health improved. The undergrads who were able to squeeze in more snooze time - around 43 extra minutes a night - saw a seven-point drop in blood pressure, had better cognitive performance, and got a mood boost as well.

Sleeping can be a struggle for a lot of people, but researchers want people to better understand the benefits of getting enough of it so they’ll prioritize bedtime. Study authorDr. Anne-Marie Changhopes the study shows that “even small changes in behavior can impact health outcomes.”

Source:Mind Body Green

Why You Should Skip Sending Work Emails After Dark -It’s well known that people rarely separate themselves from work these days. But there is a time when you should.

Experts say you should never send a work email after dark. There are exceptions, like co-workers who live in another time zone. Other than that, it can wait and here’s why.

  • It won’t get read until morning.
  • If they read it, you’re cutting into their downtime.
  • The late night time stamp gives a negative vibe.
  • You’re more prone to make mistakes at night.
  • You should be sleeping.
  • The alert may wake the reader.

Source:Pop Sugar

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