British coupleJasmineandDonna Francis-Smithhave become the first in the world to carry the same baby in both their wombs as part of a “shared motherhood” procedure. Their baby boy,Otis, was born via in vivo fertilization, which has the eggs incubated in the mother’s body, instead of externally, like they are with in vitro fertilization.
The AneVivo procedure involved the biological mom’s eggs being put inside a mini capsule and inserted into her womb to be incubated. Then they were taken out of the first mom’s womb and placed into the gestational mother’s womb and she carried the baby to term. In this case, Donna incubated her egg for 18 hours before it was placed in Jasmine’s body.
"You get a lot of same-sex couples where one person is doing the whole thing, and the one person is getting pregnant and giving birth, whereas with this we're both involved in a massive way," Donna says. “We both have a special bond with Otis as well which was helped by the way we've done it."