“Snow-Globing”: The Holiday Dating Trend To Beware Of
Just when you think you’ve learned all the dating terms you need to know to be single these days, another one pops up. We recentlytold you about“fleabagging” and “eclipsing,” but there’s another new one to be aware of this holiday season: “snow-globing.”
While the name is cute, this isn’t something you want to happen to you. According to the dating experts at “Cosmopolitan,” snow-globing is when the person you’ve been dating is using the holidays to con you into thinking you’re more serious than you are. It’s like if you’ve been seeing someone for a while and things seem to be getting more intense, they took you to their office holiday party, you went on a romantic ice-skating date, and they even got you a great gift. Everything seems to be good and you think you could really be into them and then bam! They suddenly dump you soon into the new year without warning.
So basically, they spend the whole month of December with you and you think you’re falling in love under the Christmas lights, only to have the whole thing disappear in early January. Of course, a whirlwind holiday romance doesn’t always mean you’re getting snow-globed, it could be the real deal. But if things start to fizzle when the mistletoe comes down, at least you’ll know the trendy new name for it.
How To Keep The Peace When You’re Home For The Holidays
Already dreading going home for the holidays? You’redefinitelynot alone. Spending time with loved ones all under one roof can be wonderful, but it can also mean a few nights in your uncomfortable childhood bed, having to put up with a lot of prying questions from nosey relatives and no personal space. But you can help keep your festivities drama-free by setting boundaries like these.
- Respond, don’t react- You can’t control other people’s actions, but you can control our reactions and try to have a more measured response when your uncle starts going off with his problematic views on politics again.
- Take time for yourself- When emotions run high, give yourself a few minutes of solitude to relax, recharge. Not only will you feel better, you’ll be better company, too.
- Go easy on the alcohol- A couple festive cocktails may make family time even more enjoyable, but be conscious of how often your glass is being filled and know when to cut yourself off. Managing family drama may be tough, but doing it with a hangover? Even worse.
- Listen to others- Even when you don’t agree, let them finish. Then you can respectfully disagree and move on.
- Make sure everyone chips in- Having a house full of relatives can be too close for comfort, but the upside? You have a lot of hands to help clean, shop, and tidy up, you just have to rally the troops.
- Remember it’s only once a year- If the togetherness gets to be too much, be assured by the fact that you don’t have to put up with it again until next year.
What Not to Do on an Airplane
It’s been a while since the Wright brothers figure out the whole flight thing, yet some passengers still can’t figure it out themselves. Since we’re heading into a busy travel season, here are some of the most commonly accepted, and unaccepted, behaviors on airplanes based on a survey of over one-thousand travelers.
- Please Shut Up.There’s a good chance you’ll be sitting next to a stranger on your next flight, and if you’re wondering if you should strike up a conversation, the answer is nope. Only 5% of people said they’d be into a lot of chatting. Meanwhile, 35% of people said they’d prefer you to say “hello” and nothing more.
- It’s Fine To Recline.Everyone knows there’s limited space on planes so you might feel like you’re encroaching if you lean back your chair. Think again. Turns out, 70% of the people surveyed said reclining was completly acceptable. Although, you may want to check if it’s a lady behind you because interestingly women are 10% less likely to be ok with thathuge 5-degree range of motion you’re allowed with your seat.
- Hell No, We Won’t Toe.55% of Americans say taking off your shoes during a flight is a no-no.Even though it should be 100%.Also, it turns out millennials are actually more likely to let going shoe-free slide than any other generation.It’s official, we’re way too tolerant.
- Foodies.Leave your microwaved fish in the trash outside the gate. 69% of participants said they’d be pretty upset if you decided to board with smelly foods.
- Air Zoo.Emotional support animals are hot in the news and here are the critters people say they’re cool with. Dogs are the most acceptable type at 66%, followed by cats, and then hamsters. And sorry, but your anxiety snake and depression peacocks aren’t cleared to fly since about 65% of passengers said it was unacceptable to have them on the plane.
Remember, just because more emotional support animals are being allowed on planes, it doesn’t meanyouget to act like an animal as well.
Source:Travel & Leisure
Sleeping In A Cold Room Is Good For Your Health, Science Says
While in the colder months, you’re probably more likely to turn up your thermostat before climbing into bed for a hopefully cozy night sleep, you could be sabotaging your health by doing so. Science says that sleeping in a cold room is actually one of the keys to good health. No one would suggest that you should be so cold in bed that you’re shivering and unable to sleep. In reality, the suggestion by Charlottesville Neurology & Sleep Medicine medical director Dr. Christopher Winter (nice name!) is that your room should be somewhere between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit overnight. When it’s too cold, you’re so distracted by trying to get warm that you won’t be able to sleep. When it’s warm, you might be able to fall asleep but chances are you’ll be too hot to actually stay asleep restfully and will probably do a lot of tossing and turning. Between 60 and 67 F is the sweet spot for good sleep. Not only can sleeping in a cooler room keep you from looking older since it prevents your body from releasing melatonin, but it could also possibly help you lose weight by decreasing stress hormones and upping certain growth hormones. Sleeping in a cold room can even help decrease your risks of developing Type II diabetes and other metabolic diseases.