Study: We Start Turning Into Our Moms At 33
If you’ve always feared the day you would start acting and sounding like your dear old mom, science has now figured out when it will be. And it may be sooner than you expected.
Dr. Julian De Silvainterviewed 2,000 men and women for his research and found we all sort of morph into the image of our parents at some point. He asked them about when they began to feel and act more like their moms or dads, in ways including starting to like the same things, consume the same media, and even saying the same things you used to roll your eyes at as a kid.
Hisstudyfound that just over half (52%) of women start turning into their moms between 30 and 35 years old, 26% start a little later at 35 to 40 years old, and 10% manage to make it until between 40 and 50 before it happens to them. And the average age for this inevitable switch to take place is at 33.
So if you notice yourself telling everyone to wipe their feet or catch yourself saying, “because I said so,” in your mid-30s, you’re right on track. But don’t worry, you’re not alone. Men also turn into their parents, typically around age 34. If your husband is turning off lights in empty rooms and he can’t seem to ever find the remote, now you know why.
Source:Women's Health
Study: 1 in 5 Plan To Give A ‘Take The Hint’ Holiday Gift This Year
Ever gotten a gift and thought “this seems like they're taking a shot at me.” According to a new survey,you were probably right.
One out of five Americans say they’re going to give a gift this year that’s meant to drop some hints to the people in their life. And even if they’re not planning to do it in 2019, one-third of the people surveyed said they’ve given a “hint” gift at some point.Sorry to everyone out there realizing the cologne they get in their stocking every year is someone letting them know they reek.
But don’t worry Stinky, you’re not the only one. In fact, the most frequently received hint gift was deodorant or perfume. After that,people got real subtle about their loved one needing to lose some weightbecause cookbooks came in second with exercise equipment right behind them. And while you’re working on your health, you might as well break a mental sweat as well. Self-help books came in at the fourth biggest hint gift.
- Cleaning supplies, alarm clocks, toothbrush / toothpaste, gym memberships, breath mints, and razors / shaving gear finished out the list of the most popular hint gifts.
And who would possibly be so bold to shade you and put a bow on it at the same time? Our significant others are the most likely to give us the gift of hidden meanings.
Extra Stats:
- It’s A Guy Thing.26% of males said they’re planning on giving a hint gift out, in comparison to only 17% of females.
- Last Minute Shopping.50% of the survey’s participants said they have bought someone a present on their way to a gift exchange.
How Much “Me” Time Do You Need Away From Your Partner?
Do you consciously take me time for yourself everyday away from your significant other? Well according to a new study you should. A new poll of 2,000 Americans found that of those in a relationship, 85 percent say getting time for yourself on a regular basis is the key to a healthy relationship. Eighty-two percent report that getting the proper amount of “me-time” actually makes their relationship stronger, with 58 percent saying they actively encourage their partners to spend time by themselves.
- What’s your favorite “Me Time” activity?
- Is having mutual me time the savior in your relationship?
Would You Eat This Sugary Buddy The Elf Pizza?
If you’ve seen the movie, “Elf,” you’ll never forget the pasta Buddy made. His spaghetti was covered with chocolate syrup, maple syrup, M&Ms, and Pop-Tarts. Well now a pizzeria in New Jersey has created a pie Buddy would love: North Pole Pizza.
AtTony Boloney’s Jersey City, The North Pole Pizza is made with the elves four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corn, and syrup. But this sugar rush doesn’t stop there - it’s also got spaghetti, marshmallows, Lucky Charms, whipped cream, and even more sugar.
Sound like something you want to sink your sweet teeth into? This original creation is only around for a limited time and you can pre-order it now through theSliceapp, but The North Pole Pizza is only available on Thursday, December 19th. It’s also a little pricier than your average pizza at $90, but it’s definitely not your average pizza.
The Postal Service Will Be Very Busy This Week
With barely a week left until Christmas, and most people relying on online purchases for their holiday shopping, the United States Postal Service will be busier than ever this week.
- In fact, the USPS expects to process and deliver nearly 2.5 billion pieces of mail, including packages, this week.
- They’re expected to deliver about 28 million packages per day leading up to the holiday.
- Overall, USPS believes they’ll have delivered 800 million packages between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day.
- To meet demand they are already delivering packages on Sundays, to the tune of about eight million packages every Sunday in December.
Now if you’re still planning to send your gifts to loved ones, or continue purchasing online, there are some key shipping dates to know if you want to make sure that gift gets under the tree before the holiday.They include:
- December 20 – First-Class Mail (including greeting cards)
- December 20 – First-Class Packages (up to 15.99 ounces)
- December 20 – Hawaii to mainland Priority Mail and First-Class Mail
- December 20 – Alaska to mainland Priority Mail and First-Class Mail
- December 21 – Priority Mail
- December 22 – Alaska to mainland Priority Mail Express
- December – Hawaii to mainland Priority Mail Express
- December 23 – Priority Mail Express
Source:Yahoo Finance