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Study: We Start Turning Into Our Moms At 33

If you’ve always feared the day you would start acting and sounding like your dear old mom, science has now figured out when it will be. And it may be sooner than you expected.

Dr. Julian De Silvainterviewed 2,000 men and women for his research and found we all sort of morph into the image of our parents at some point. He asked them about when they began to feel and act more like their moms or dads, in ways including starting to like the same things, consume the same media, and even saying the same things you used to roll your eyes at as a kid.

Hisstudyfound that just over half (52%) of women start turning into their moms between 30 and 35 years old, 26% start a little later at 35 to 40 years old, and 10% manage to make it until between 40 and 50 before it happens to them. And the average age for this inevitable switch to take place is at 33.

So if you notice yourself telling everyone to wipe their feet or catch yourself saying, “because I said so,” in your mid-30s, you’re right on track. But don’t worry, you’re not alone. Men also turn into their parents, typically around age 34. If your husband is turning off lights in empty rooms and he can’t seem to ever find the remote, now you know why.

Source:Women's Health

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