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Who's freaking out? I'm not freaking out

I might overthink from time to time, but is anyone else after reading this?!

3:15 pm: Text from Mr. Hannah, “You’re going to really like your gift.”

Me: “You’re oddly confident...”

6 pm: Mr. Hannah arrives home with friend Adam in tow.

Me: begins to probe for present clues

Mr. Hannah: “You’re going to love your gift. And Adam and I came to the conclusion that, yes, it is second hand.”

(My family is doing a Second-hand/Thriftmas Christmas this year where gifts have to be from a thrift stores, antique store- etc..the rule is that they have to have had a previous owner.)

Mr. Hannah: “I’m just excited to give it to you- excited to see your reaction, to see your face.”

*Cue minor suspicion.*

Me: more questions...

“Can I eat it?”


“Can I wear it?”

“Yes.” *suspicion increases*

7 pm - Mr. Hannah and Adam leave to play darts at a bar.

*overthinking my suspicion. What if it’s not THAT? I’m reading too into it...

*overthinking more.. When they got to the house, they acted like it was a big item. They told me I had to hide for them to bring it in. But they didn’t actually follow through and make me hide. ...What if that was just to throw me off?....*

1:21 am - Mr. Hannah and Adam stumble in from the bar. Naturally, I resume probing about my gift. Mr. Hannah heads for the bathroom.

Me: sees opportunity. Turns to Adam.

“So, any hints?”

Adam, slightly sloppy: “What?! No! I’m just going to say, I’m really happy to be apart of it.”

*palms sweaty, knees weak, arms heavy*

*lays it on thick*, “What color is it?”

Adam- “Red”

*sound of vinyl scratching to a hault*

*Huh. Wasn’t expecting that. Overthinks: ...red?? ...I mean in my love for random facts, I’ve nonchalantly mentioned to Mr. Hannah before that rubbies are more rare than diamonds. ...wait, Rubies are red...but was THAT a clue to throw me off? ...There’s no way. He doesn’t even know my size!*

*Bathroom door finally opens*

Me: “Jeepers, you guys were drinking like you were celebrating.”

Adam: “We kinda were.”

Me: ... ... ...*Oh, sh&t! Starts looking at manicures on Pinterest.*

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