Why have just one New Year resolution, when you can have five??!
While I know it sounds insane, bear with me for a moment. For me, having multiple resolutions enforces a growth-based mentality.. rather than having one goal to “fail” at and just give up on entirely. If year after year you find yourself with some major guilt come mid-January, maybe try switching up your strategy for creating your New Year resolution.
Here’s mine: -I break down my goals into five different categories:
1. Health/self love goals - do you want to try yoga, meditation? Learn to deal with stress? This category is for what your mind, what your body needs more of, or less of, in the new year.
2. Creativity goals - keep your fire alive! Do you want to dabble in pottery? Watch some Bob Ross? What’s something you’ve been curious about? What’s your “someday I will...”
3. Family/relationship goals - do you have a relationship that needs mending? Want to make a point to spend more quality time with your S.O.? .
4. Fun/adventure goals - a goal to have more fun in 2020, to simply enjoy life. What do you thoroughly enjoy that you could be doing more often? Or you could make a goal to try something new once per month. .
5. Financial goals - is there something you want to pay off? Or is it about time to treat yourself?
(Extra category if you’re feeling ambitious) *Career goals - Maybe you make a goal to speak up more in meetings. Maybe you’re considering a career switch, so you commit to doing some soul searching and figuring out what makes your heart sing. .
Once you’ve thought of something for each category, keep this list in your phone (I put mine in the Notes App) to revisit them monthly. Since you don’t have just one goal, you’re less likely to get bored or discouraged. Things feeling a little stale? Just switch your focus to a different category for a while! While you most likely won’t “hit” all of these goals, you will have grown in each category by the end of the year. Revisit this list December 31, 2021 and give yourself a pat on the back! .
>> Here’s to a decade of#growth! Happy new year!