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Hannah's Headlines - 1/3/2020


Teacher Cops To Pooping In A Park Daily- A Wisconsin teacher has admitted to repeatedly pooping in a public park.

Jeffrey S. Churchwelltold police that he publicly pooped, sometimes more than once a day, over two years at Natureland Park in Whitewater. This comes after investigators were shown pictures by a park worker of the man going about his business in nature.

The 60-year-old also said he was a thrill-seeker and did it out of convenience and to be disrespectful. Churchwell, upon being cited for disorderly conduct, has agreed to pay a 365-dollar fine and more than 57-hundred dollars to the county Public Works Department for cleaning costs.

Churchwell got found out thanks to surveillance videos and photos catching him in action. He is officially retiring as an English teacher later this month.

Source:New York Post

How To Start A Healthy Habit, And Stick To It

Alright, we’re three days into the New Year. Have you stuck to your New Year’s resolution so far?Hope so!

Here’s some bad news.It’s going to take much longer than a few days for your new healthy lifestyle to stick with you. In fact, studies show it can take two to nine months to establish a new behavior (though some say you’ll get aserious leg up in 21 days).

So to help you keep that self-health train rolling, here are a few expert tips for your “New Year, New You” journey:

  • Assess your environment.Social PsychologistWendy Woodsays you need to make the space around you reflect the changes you want to make. For example, if you want to sleep more, leave your phone out of the bedroom, and if you want to exercise more, place some of the workout equipment in plain sight. Having dumbbells or a yoga mat nearby will remind you to actually use them.
  • Make change fun.You’re riding a motivation wave now but you know that’s not going to last. If you want to keep it going you should try to makes things as enjoyable as you can. Trick your brain into thinking your healthy habit is “fun” and you’ll eventually start looking forward to it.Are you a mobile gaming addict trying to lose weight? Try limiting your phone time to when you’re riding a stationary bike at the gym.
  • Be patient.Wood says “if you make a new behavior easy and fun, then it will be something you keep doing. As that practice accumulates, it becomes a habit.” Don’t get discouraged when things don’t work out. Just learn from your mistakes andget back on that New Year horse!


Study: Doing Good Deeds Can Relieve Pain

We know that helping others can make us feel good, but now research suggests another benefit - it can ease pain. According to a newstudy, doing a good deed doesn’t just help the recipient, the giver feels physical pleasure and pain relief as a result.

The research tested several different scenarios of altruism - which is putting the well-being of others before our own and not expecting anything in return - and found that regions of the brain that react to painful stimulation seem to be “instantly deactivated” by the experience of giving.

  • In one experiment, volunteers who gave blood after an earthquake were found to feel less pain than those who did it as part of a routine test, even though a larger needle was used.
  • In another, cancer patients’ chronic pain was found to be significantly reduced when they cooked and cleaned for others at their treatment center, instead of just doing it for themselves.
  • And a third experiment found participants felt less pain when they got an electric shock to their hands - if they gave money to orphans first.

Study authors say the results were so clear, they feel altruism could be used “to supplement current behavioral therapies to treat pain.”

Source:New York Post

Tradition Says You Can Leave Your Christmas Tree Up For A Few More Days

Some people take down their Christmas decorations and get their homes back to normal as early as December 26th, and then there are the rest of us. If your tree is still up and decorated and you’re starting to feel a little guilty about it, don’t. According to tradition, there’s no rush.

Different Christian religions have slightly different rules about it, but the guideline is to put the tree up at the beginning of advent, which is the fourth Sunday before Christmas. And you don’t take it down until the Epiphany, which is 12 days after Christmas. This year, Epiphany is Monday (January 6th), so you can still keep that tree up for a few more days and feel good about it because you’re not procrastinating, you’re following tradition.

Of course, if you’re motivated to start your post-holiday clean up now, go on and take the tree down whenever you want. But if you’d rather just kick back with a mug of cocoa and enjoy those twinkling lights for as long as possible, keep it up and know tradition has your back.

Source:Scary Mommy

Disney+ Already Removed Some Movies -Back in November when Disney+ launched, the site promised not to have a “rotating slate” of movies each month.

Turns out, that isn’t exactly true. Disney licensed some of its movies like “Home Alone” and Home Alone 2” with other services and now they’re gone from Disney+.

If you were hoping that Disney+ would be a full vault of House of Mouse offerings, sorry to burst your bubble. Not everything made by the company will be on the service at the same time.

The good news for Netflix subscribers is movies like “Coco” and “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” will be back on that site in 2026.

Source:The Verge

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