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Hannah's Headlines - 2/4/2020

National Thank A Mail Carrier Day - National Homemade Soup Day

Study: Men Who Own Mercedes and BMWs Are More Likely to be A-Holes

Yes, the drivers of those luxury cars that cut you off really do suck. A new study in the Journal of International Psychology finds that many owners of high-status luxury cars are actually a-holes. “The answers were unambiguous: self-centered men who are argumentative, stubborn, disagreeable and un-empathetic are much more likely to own a high-status car such as an Audi, BMW or Mercedes,” say the researchers in a press release.

The study surveyed 1,892 Finnish car owners and also analyzed their personality types, an idea inspired by lead researcher Jan-Erik Lönnqvist’s observation that the drivers “most likely to run a red light, not give way to pedestrians and generally drive recklessly and too fast were often the ones driving fast German cars” such as BMWs, Mercedes, and Audis.

Lönnqvist, a professor of social psychology at the University of Helsinki, instead asked what types of people own these cars. Sure enough, he found that less cooperative, less kind, and less considerate men often drive high-status cars. “The same traits also explain why such people break traffic regulations more frequently than others,” says Lönnqvist. He found no connection between female self-centeredness and luxury cars.


A New Generation Identified: “Xennials”

Do you remember not being able to browse the Internet while your mom was on the phone, but now you watch live TV on your smart phone? Chances are you’re part of a new micro-generation known as Xennials. Dan Woodman, an associate professor of sociology at the University of Melbourne in Australia identified this new generation as people born between 1977 and 1983. Xennials grew up in the pre-digital era with snail mail, dial-up internet, and broadcast television, but they also learned to adapt to the digital age and incorporate social media into their lives while in their 20s. They got to grow up with the best of both worlds.

  • Do you feel like you grew up with the best of both worlds when it comes to technology?


You Can Get A Valentine Bouquet Of Olive Garden Breadsticks

Valentine’s Day is next week and you could go with the traditional route with chocolate or flowers, or you could show your Valentine how much you care with a bouquet of Olive Garden breadsticks.

The chain is bringing back their Breadstick Bouquets after introducing them last year and they’ll be available at all locations starting February 13th.

Customers can also pick up a special after-dinner mint box, which includes a surprise love poem. Both the mint box and the bouquet are included in Olive Garden’s Valentine’s Day To-Go Dinner for Two, which comes with three courses. And nothing says “I love you” like a bouquet of breadsticks.


Dunkaroos Are Officially Making A Comeback

One of the most beloved snacks from the ‘90s is finally returning this summer. Get ready to relive your childhood because Dunkaroos are officially coming back and the Internet is freaking out. If you never had the pleasure, this snack is made of two tasty treats: cookies and icing to dunk them in.

They were introduced in the ‘90s and discontinued around 2012 and people really seemed to miss those little round cookies and the frosting to dip them in. They used to come in a bunch of different flavors, but the most popular one will be returning: Vanilla Cookies and Vanilla Frosting with Rainbow Sprinkles.

We know they’ll be back this summer, but it’s unclear whether that means May or August, so we’ll just have to stalk the snack aisles until we spot them.

Source:Food and Wine

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