Study: Being Authentic Results In Greater Productivity
We’ve all been told some form of “suck it up and deal” when it comes to work.Leave your baggage at the door, and put on your work face.Turns out, that’s really crappy advice.
A new study found that keeping our behavior at the office authentic actually resulted in greater productivity and better workplace relationships. Basically, if you feel like crap, don’t stuff it down,or fake it till you make it. Act how you really feel.
ProfessorChris Rosensays their study found people who don’t fake their feelings actually “receive higher levels of support and trust from co-workers.” They also were able to get more work done “likely due to the support they received.” Looks like our elementary school teachers were right!If you want more people to like you, be yourself.
- Employees who hid their true feelings most often were found to be motivated mostly by self-interest and also experienced the most emotional and physical exhaustion.And youcan’t fake that.
Source:Study Finds
“Valentighting” Is The Dating Trend To Watch Out For This Month
Being in a new relationship on February 14thcan be a source of anxiety. Will you spend the romantic holiday with the person you’ve been on five dates with or just pretend Valentine’s Day isn’t happening? Should you exchange gifts and if so, how much do you spend? Well, now there’s something else to add to worry about: “Valentighting.”
This is a dating trend where people dump their new partners in early February so they don’t have to spend money and celebrate Valentine’s Day. The term was coined by Metro UK writerEllen Scott,who defines it as “the heartbreaking act of dumping someone right before Valentine’s Day, because you’re too tight to get them a gift.” So basically, Valentine’s Day plus being a tightwad equals Valentighting.
But it’s not all about the money. Some people just can’t handle the pressure of the holiday, or it makes them realize they’re just not into the person they’re dating enough to make an effort, so they end things. Research shows breakups tend to spike around February 14th, so if you’re seeing someone new and you’re not sure how you’re handling Valentine’s Day, you may want to be on the lookout for Valentighting.
Source:Refinery 29
“Self-Love Restaurant” Sits Singles In Front Of Mirrors On Valentine’s Day
“Do you want to spend Valentine’s Day looking at a reflection of your own face?” It sounds like a question in some kind of online quiz, but it’s actually the setup for Two4One, a pop-up restaurant opening in London for Valentine’s Day. They call themselves the U.K.’s first “self-love restaurant” and the idea is that solo diners are seated across from huge mirrors so they can spend Valentine’s Day dinner “appreciating themselves.”
Tastecard, which provides discounts and two-for-one offers at thousands of restaurants in the U.K., is launching the pop-up and they say dinner will include “mood-boosting playlists, feel-good soul food from Absurd Bird, and mirrors reflecting motivational quotes, putting guests in the mood to have the best solo time.” And while that may sound lovely to some singles, there’s a pretty big catch involved:diners aren’t actually by themselves after all. Huh?
It turns out, after the last of the three-course dinner is served, the mirrors lift up to reveal that another person has been sitting across the table all along. The people won’t be able to see each other until the mirrors are removed and the diners will then have the option of paying full-price separately or splitting the bill to score a two-for-one discount. It’s happening in London on February 13th and 14th and all the proceeds will go to a charity that provides school meals for kids around the world, so even if you don’t fall for the person on the other side of the mirror in some romantic Valentine’s Day twist, it’s all for a good cause.
Source:Food and Wine
Woman Has Condition In Which She Grows Eyelashes In Her Mouth
Now, this is got to be a really awkward conversation to have with your hairdresser.
It appears that a woman in Italy is one of five people to have a rare documented condition in which you grow eyelashes inside your mouth. While many have seen hair like this grow in strange places on their body, very few have hair growing out of their gums.
The journal of Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology posted about a patient who, at age 19, discovered small hairs growing out of her gums. Doctors misdiagnosed her condition at the time and it got worse as she grew older.
These oral hairs continued to grow on her gums, as well as her chin and neck areas, per the report. Some compare it to being like a werewolf. The woman’s hairy situation is really uncommon as there have only been five previously recorded cases of oral hirsutism, or hair growth in the mouth around the world.
Source: New York Post
Pole Dancing Could Become An Olympic Sport
If you sawJ.Loin “Hustlers” or performing at the Super Bowl, you’re probably aware that pole dancing isn’t easy. Being able to twist your body into inversions and poses like a gymnast is tough to do on the ground, much less trying to do it while suspended on the side of a smooth pole. Still not convinced that pole dancing takes serious athleticism? You may be after hearing that athletes could one day earn a gold medal for the sport at the Olympics.
The Global Association of International Sports Federation - the organization over all Olympic and non-Olympic sports federations - has given theInternational Pole Sports Federationofficial observer status. That move recognizes and legitimizes pole dancing as a sport internationally and it’s the first big step to potentially making it to the Olympics. The next step would be for the sport to be recognized by the International Olympic Committee and that can take several years.
Cheerleading and Muay Thai have been added to the International Olympic Committee’s list of provisional sports, so they’re now that much closer to going to the Games. Arm wrestling, dodgeball, and kettlebell lifting have also been added to the list of observer-status sports, and at the 2020 Games in Tokyo, rock climbing, surfing, and karate will make their debut.