Today is National Doctors Day - Today is I Am In Control Day
Condom Shortage Looms as Coronavirus Shuts Down Production
According to the Guardian, a global shortage of condoms is looming after the coronavirus lockdown forced the world’s biggest producer to shut down production. Malaysia’s Karex Bhd, which makes one in every five condoms globally, has been shut down for a week as the Malaysian government imposes factory lockdowns to stop the spread of the pandemic. The company, which is marketed in the States by Durex, was “given permission to restart production on Friday, but with only 50% of its workforce, under a special exemption for critical industries.” “It will take time to jumpstart factories and we will struggle to keep up with demand at half capacity,” the chief executive, Goh Miah Kiat, told the paper. “We are going to see a global shortage of condoms everywhere, which is going to be scary. My concern is that for a lot of humanitarian programs … in Africa, the shortage will not just be two weeks or a month. That shortage can run into months.”
Small Acts Of Kindness That Can Be Done From Home
You could use all this time at home to catch up on all thesnacks you’ve been putting offor you could use it to shine a little light during some tough times.Or even better, both!Here are some small acts of kindness you can do to better your community without getting off the couch.
- Order a delivery meal for your neighbor.Now is the time to become the amazing neighbor you’ve always wanted to be. Let the people you’re sharing a street or hallway with know you’re thinking about them by ordering them lunch or dinner. Most delivery services are offering a contact-free option,andunless you guess their food allergies completely wrong,they’ll super appreciate the free grub.
- Leave a thank-you note for your postal worker.Delivering the mail is an essential service and these folks should get some credit for being unable to stay home. A great way to show them you’re grateful is by leaving a thank-you note in your mailbox.Maybe skip the licking of the envelope though.
- Offer to be a virtual tutor.There are lots of kids home from school now but their schoolwork hasn’t stopped. Help out a kid in your life,and their parents,by offering to be an online tutor. You could offer to do it for free butno judgment if you ask for a little something-something.
There’s plenty more stay-at-home acts of kindness to check outHERE!
Source:The Active Times
The Perfect Lockdown Distraction: Revamping Your Wardrobe
Need a break from the binge-watching? How about an activity that’s the perfect combination of decluttering and optimism? It’s time to become thestar of your own makeover showand do a quarantine-wardrobe revamp.
- Get started.Start small. Throw away your odd socks, ripped clothes, and take stock of what you have. Your wardrobe makeover doesn’t have to be an all-day event. Do one drawer when you’re taking a break while working at home, or have your friends help you with a drawer when you’re video chatting.
- Try-on-athon.Make a pile of all your pants and try on each one in front of a full-length mirror. Ask yourself which clothes you’d be excited to wear when you start going out againand donate the rest.
- The treasures.Find the ten pieces of clothes you’re always wearing and use them as the “center of gravity” for the rest of your stuff. Find the other items that go well with them and make a mental note for when you’re making up a wardrobe.If you keep on finding something that doesn’t work with anything, throw it on that donation pile.
Need more tips on getting your closet ready for when the world gets back on track? Check out all the wardrobe revamp tipsHERE.
Source:The Guardian
Parent's Are Enjoying Poop Challenge With Kids While On Lockdown
Self-isolating parents have come up with a way to apparently keep themselves occupied while quarantined with their kids. It involves them tricking the kids into believing they’ve been smeared with poop. What fun.
It's called the “poop challenge,” and it's a viral prank that involves parents asking their kids to bring them toilet paper while on the toilet. When their kids oblige, they smear them with fake poo made from chocolate or peanut butter and then upload their reactions to social media for laughs.
In one of the more popular videos, a mom asks her daughter if she’s mad after punking her with the excremental Rickroll. “I’m always not mad at you,” replies the understanding girl while washing her hands. It's received over 14 million views thus far.
Source: New York Post