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Hannah's Headlines - 4/6/2020

How To Celebrate Holidays While Social Distancing -With everyone staying at home, celebrating a holiday without family, can be tough. But, there are ways around that.

Video chats are keeping loved ones connected lately, and it’s a great tool to use for holidays and special occasions. Here are ome ways, including with video chats, to make your holiday brighter.

  • Narrate what’s going on. Describe what holidays past were like with family.
  • Recreate holiday recipes at home.
  • Share what your grateful for.
  • Work on a collective project, like dying Easter eggs, via chat.
  • Send each other flowers or notes.
  • Do something different, on purpose.


Boy With Itchy Nose Discovers Leech Is Living Up There

Imagine having a constant itchy nose and never being able to scratch it. That's what a nine-year-old boy in China felt like for the longest time. The boy's father eventually took him to the hospital to see what might be causing the itch.

When doctors took a look up the boy's nose, they found what the issue was. Apparently, the boy had a two inch leech living up his nose. The doctors say the leech attached itself to his nasal passage and it was never going to get blown out.

Doctors said that it was probably very small when it first entered the boy’s nose, but it grew as it fed on his blood. The boy drank ‘uncooked water’ on a recent trip to the country and they think that was the most likely source of the leech. 

Source: Unilad

Care.com offering "virtual babysitting" for parents working from home

Having a tough time working from home and wrangling your kids? Why not try virtual babysitting?

Care.comis making it possible for parents to hire a childcare worker to play with and entertain their kids for a few hours ...online.

All you have to do is sign up for Care.com account, note your preference for “virtual babysitting,” and get connected with prospective caretakers. The website is offering free, premium access for frontline workers and seniors during the COVID-19 crisis.

Plus, if you’re someone looking for a new source of income while still staying safe in your own home, this could be your new side hustle.

Prehistoric Forrest Is Found Buried In Sea Floor Off Alabama

An ancient forest has been found entombed in the Gulf of Mexico sea floor off Alabama.

NOAA is now prepping to study the site in hopes of finding undiscovered “compounds for medicine biotechnology,” which can be a basis for new types of antibiotics.

Scientists think the forest of bald cypress is about 60-thousand years old and grew along the banks of a now vanished river. Video from the site shows it is alive with schools of fish swimming among the tree trunks sticking out of the seafloor.

The trunks are encased in a protective coating of sediment that allows for good samples to test. Teams from Northeastern University and the University of Utah will be taking part in the study.

Source:Miami Herald

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