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Hannah's Headlines - 4/7/2020

Today is National Beer Day - Today is National No Housework Day - Today is Coffee Cake Day

Study: Music Takes Nine Minutes To Make You Happy

The British Academy of Sound Therapy has been researching the benefits of listening to music for therapeutic purposes for years. TheirMusic as Medicine projectwanted to identify exactly what kind of music brings positive responses and how long you have to listen to feel the effects. They tested more than 75-hundred people and found:

  • 90.15% used music to relax
  • 81.80% to make them happy
  • 46.5% to process and/or release sadness
  • 32.53% to aid concentration

Beyond that:

  • Music for relaxation- This research suggests 13 minutes is the optimum listening time for using music to relax. The best music for this effect has a slow tempo, simple melodies and no lyrics and after 13 minutes, 79% of participants had less muscle tension, 84% had fewer negative thoughts and 82% felt peaceful and content.
  • Music for happiness- To be uplifted by music, it takes just nine minutes of hearing music with a driving rhythm, fast tempo and happy lyrics. After that time, 89% of participants had improved energy levels, 65% felt happier and/or laughed more, and 82% felt able to take on anything and more in control of their lives.
  • Music to process or release sadness- When people trying to work through their sadness listened to music with lyrics they connected with for 13 minutes, they felt better. That amount of time left 87% feeling more emotionally stable, 84% feeling less overwhelmed, and 91% feeling relief and release.

Source:Good News Network

Competitive Marble Racing Is Becoming an Enthralling New Fixation for Sports Fans

U.S. researchers gave the first shot to the first person in a test of an experimental coronavirus vaccine Monday — leading off a worldwide hunt for protection even as the pandemic surges.

While a bunch of marbles barreling down a sandy path may not be as riveting as an intense game, competitive marble racing is exciting the internet to no end in the wake of COVID-19 leading to the cancellation or postponement of almost all major sporting events.

With the World Health Organization declaring COVID-19 a pandemic on March 11, professional sports leagues including the NBA, MLB, NHL and MLS have all suspended their seasons, leaving a hole in the hearts of sports lovers everywhere.

Luckily, marble racing, a competition that requires no human interaction and therefore adheres to the rules of social distancing, has emerged as a perfect sport for the coronavirus era. The races feature colorful marbles with names like Comet and Pollo Loco speedily making their way through fantastically detailed courses until they’re either knocked out or reach the finish line.

For some, marble racing is nothing new. YouTubers Jelle and Dion Bakker, who started the popular YouTube channel Jelle’s Marble Runs, founded the Marble League in 2016 and have since created a number of other marble racing events, including Marbula One (Formula 1 for marbles) and Marble Rally (marble racing on sand tracks). The 2020 season of Marbula One is currently ongoing. The competitions have also surged in popularity on the live streaming platform Twitch.


Taco Bell’s Handing Out Free Tacos Again Today

A promo so nice, they’re doing it twice. Last weekwe told youthat Taco Bell was giving away free Doritos Locos Tacos on March 31st and today they’re doing it again.

Just head to a Taco Bell drive-thru window today (April 7th) and they’ll give you one, while supplies last. You don’t even have to buy anything to get a free taco.

Taco Bell says the giveaway is “just another way the brand is saying thank you to fans and showing a token of appreciation during these tough times.” Happy Taco Tuesday everyone!

Source:The Takeout

Front Line Workers Can Get Deals On Gas And Pizza - First responders and health care workers are being honored at the pump.

All BP and Amoco gas stations will offer50-cents off a gallonfor the rest of the month. The company website says it's a thank you for being on the front lines of the coronavirus and keeping everyone safe. Those who qualify simply need to register for a code on the website 'ID-dot-me.'

The shows of appreciation don’t stop there! Little Caesars is thanking the health care heroes in the best way it knows how. Starting today it will begin delivering one-million free pizzas to hospitals, police and fire departments. This will continue over the next few weeks, providing about four-million meals.

Customers can help too. A "Pie it Forward" option on the app will donate a pizza to those on the front lines of coronavirus. That effort starts next week.


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