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Hannah's Headlines - 4/21/2020

Today is National World Creativity and Innovation Day - Tomorrow is Earth Day

Chicken & Waffles Pringles Are Here

Ready to add a little excitement to your quarantine snack stash? Pringles has your back. They’ve just come out with a new flavor - Chicken & Waffles. The latest addition to their chip line-up has been spotted at Dollar General and those who’ve tasted them say “there’s a very faint smell of maple syrup and they have a very dull chicken flavor to them.”

But if you’re more of a Lay’s fan, their Chicken & Waffles chips have just made a comeback. Those are available exclusively at Kroger. The chips from both brands are only around for a limited time, so get ‘em while you can.

Source:Best Products

This is not a drill: IKEA has released the recipe for its Swedish meatballs

If you've never ventured to IKEA to dine on some super affordable Swedish meatballs, you're really missing out. But, now you can finally experience the joys of eating a bonafide IKEA meatball because the furniture company graciously released their once extremely secretive recipe.

And, true to their instruction fashion, the recipe contains an illustrated step-by-step guide. Thankfully, cooking these bad boys is a lot easier than assembling one of their Ektorp sofas or Poäng armchairs.

The only hurdle is you have to do a bit of conversion from grams and milliliters to pounds and cups with their recipe amounts, as America enjoys a completely different metric system than the rest of the world.  

"Missing your IKEA meatball fix? We’ve created a recipe for you to recreate this delicious dish in the comfort of your own home," IKEA UKsaucily tweeted on Monday.  

Ingredients include: beef and pork mince, onions and garlic, breadcrumbs, vegetable and beef stock, soy sauce and other pretty simple ingredients that you don't require you to go to one of those "fancy" stores.

After assembling your ingredients, all you need to do is follow six relatively easy cooking steps and -- voila -- IKEA's Swedish meatballs served in the comfort of your own home.

The recipe serves roughly four people...or one person who just really believes in his or herself.  

Who Is Doing Most of The Cooking At Home Right Now? Is It Turning You On?

From Tim:I’d have to say my wife is doing most of the cooking right now in quarantine, but I do the occasional meal. Now when the world goes back to normal or “New Normal” as they say I’ll probably start cooking most meals again since I work from home and nights. But my wife does most of the quarantine cooking. I find her cooking a big turn-on too, which should be no surprise according to a study done by One Potato Company. Their research has revealed 86% of Americans find cooking to be a total turn-on. The study of 2,000 Americans found 71% said cooking is their love language. In fact, when it comes to settling down for good, finding a partner who can cook was a top priority for two out of three respondents.

  • Are you finding your partner even more attractive because you see them cooking during quarantine?
  • Are you getting laid because of all the cooking you’re doing in quarantine?


Website Offers $1,000 'Dream Job' to Watch Every Harry Potter Movie

An education resource website is offering an "ultimate dream job" for Harry Potter fans willing to watch every film in the franchise for $1,000.

EDsmart.com, a website specializing in college rankings, reviews and ratings, said it is seeking up to five winners willing to spend some of their COVID-19 lockdown time watching all eight Harry Potter films and both Fantastic Beasts spin-off films -- a total 25 hours, 6 minutes of movie-watching.

The winners will be called upon to live-tweet or livestream their movie-watching experience on social media channels while tagging @getedsmart. The watchers will then be asked to rank each of the movies and share their rankings online.

The winners will receive $1,000, as well as a prize package including all 10 films on Blu-Ray, Harry Potter Butterbeer Caramel Corn, Harry Potter Jelly Gummy Candy Slugs, Bertie Botts Every Flavor Jelly Beans & Chocolate Crispy Frog (Bundle of 3), a Harry Potter Gryffindor Snuggie, a Hogwarts Alumni stainless steel insulated tumbler and a $100 GrubHub gift card.

Applications are being accepted online through May 15th.


What To Put On Your Resume If You Lost Your Job Because Of The Coronavirus

If you’re one of the millions of Americans forced back into job hunting, you’re also probably dusting off your resume for the first time in a while. Wondering how you can account for this time not working due to the coronavirus? Have you contemplated writing'because COVID-19 sucks,'but realized it's unprofessional? Here's what to do instead.

Resume writerVirginia Francosays to mention it in the experience section of your most recent job entry. You can sneak it into your first humblebrag sentence. Lead with something you're proud of and then tag the reason you got hit with unemployment at the end. For example, you could say something like “I grew my department’s revenue by 30% until the department was eliminated as a result of COVID-19."

How you word itis very important. You don’t it to sound like you were the only one cut so write something like‘the division was cut’or‘a large percentage of staff was cut.’Also, job search coachAshley Watkinsrecommends including your coronavirus layoff into your cover letter to double the chances the hiring manager actually sees it. She also says it’s cool to take credit for anything you were working on before you got kicked out of the door.It’s the least they could do.


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