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Hannah's Headlines - 4/22/2020

Today is Earth Day - Today is Administrative Professionals Day - Tomorrow is Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day

What Mom Really Wants For Mother’s Day

With everything that’s going on it’s easy to forget that Mother’s Day is just around the corner. Now, of course it isn’t exactly easy to go out and get mom a gift this year, but if you could, here’s what moms really want. 

A new survey finds:

  • The top gift mom wants for mother’s day this year is a gift card (63%), followed by:
    • Flowers (43%)
    • Personal care (41%)
    • Housewares (39%)
    • Clothing (37%)
    • Events (37%)
    • Jewelry (36%)
    • Books (27%) 
  • Of course, there are a lot of options when it comes to gift cards, and maybe it’s because we’re all stuck inside, this year mom’s top choice for what type of gift card they want is one for an online retailer (77%).
  • Other top gift card choices include:
    • Big Box store (54%)
    • Coffee (51%)
    • Clothing (46%)
    • Beauty & Spa (45%)
    • Casual Dining (43%)


The Mental Health Benefits Of Getting Dressed For Work

Sure, that weighted blanket is comfortable...but it’s not doing much for your mental health. If you want to come out on the other side of this crisis, as the kickass employee you’ve always been, it’s probably best to save all those comfortable clothes for after work hours.

Simply put, we’recreatures of habit.PsychologistDe’Von Pattersonsays “knowing what’s coming next can be comforting” and keeping it together right now is all “about having some semblance of what your day and week looks like.” So keeping up some parts of your morning routine is more important than ever.

That doesn’t mean you’ve got to put on your best formal gear every day before heading to the couch. “I don’t think it’s critical to put your suit on,” says psychotherapistRyan G. Beale. “Just something that’s different from your lounging clothes.” Beale states that this simple act helps your brain get ready to shift into work mode. Plus, if you end up rocking the same sweatsuit every day while working at home,you’re only going to increase those feelings like you’re in a “Groundhog Day” state.

Experts agree that you should be flexible with your routine and to go easy on yourself during this quarantine. But if you want to avoid an isolation-funk, a little mascara or hair gel could go a long way.


How Quarantine Could Be Affecting Your “Type”

It’s beyond obvious: the coronavirus is changing how single people date. Thing is? It might just be affectingwhothey’re dating as well. You might have gone into quarantine looking for someone likeCarole Baskinand leave isolation searching for someone with the energy ofJoe Exotic.Yes, your “type” might be changing without you even noticing.

All the new emotions, anxiety, loneliness, and all the other feels, may just be changing what people you're drawn to. Basically, since your needs have changed, the person you’re looking to fulfill them may have changed, too. MatchmakerSusan Trombettisays “the things we normally seek out in partners often do not matter while dating right now.” She’s found that her clients “what matters most is someone who can make them laugh, smile, feel safe and takes the same public health measures they do.”

There seems to be a shift away from pickiness as well. Trombetti says people’s desire to have a partner that will “have their back” is making them overlook things they used to care about like lifestyle or income status. Also, height has become less of a factor.Score one for the short peoplebecause it appears people are more willing to overlook a match being vertically challenged if they have the potential to bring some calm to their world.

  • Traits that have become more desirable since COVID-19.Trombetti notes that singles are shifting to potential boos who are healthy, emotionally available, financially secure, have a sense of humor, and have great communication skills.And just a guess, an unlimited Zoom membership couldn’t hurt.

Source:Elite Daily

Olive Garden Offers To Edit Together Faux-Prom Photos

Restaurant chain Olive Garden is helping out high school seniors whose proms were canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic by offering to simulate the experience with photo manipulation.

Olive Garden announced seniors can upload photos of themselves and their dates or friends in prom attire and send them to the restaurant's Instagram and Twitter accounts, which will then edit the photos together with Olive Garden-themed backgrounds to simulate the prom photo experience.

The eatery is also offering downloadable patterns for a DIY pasta-themed Prom Court Crown and a line of Prom Breadstick Bouquet wrappers, which seniors can use to class out their faux-prom pics.

Olive Garden recommended seniors use pickup or delivery orders to get breadsticks to fill the bouquet holders, which bear slogans including "Breadstick Bae," "Prince of Parmesan" and "Most Saucy." "We're un-canceling prom. Grab your breadsticks, text your date and DM us a photo of each of you for an #OliveGardenProm memory to last a lifetime," the chain said in its Instagram announcement.


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