You know how there’s always a photo of someone mowing their lawn that comes out during a hurricane as if nothing crazy is happening around them? Have you kind of been ‘that guy’ during the coronavirus crisis?Maybe not that productive,but at least that calm about everything going on? No need to worry, it turns out that’s a normal reaction.
Everyone is different and everyone is going to react differently to things, that’s just human nature. And the anxiety over this crisis is going to ebb and flow like everything else. Clinical psychologistGregory Nawalanicsays “the folks who initially panicked trend toward a calmer space of acceptance [and] those who initially dismissed the potential impact will trend toward activated understanding.” You might be calm as a cucumber right now, but that doesn’t mean you won’t get pickled by stress as this situation plays out.
Also, some people are just better suited for crazy times like these. Like for example, introverts were born for this. Clinical psychologistDr. Joshua Klapowsays “the reduced interactions, and not needing to be 'on our top game' socially, can give us a sense of safety, familiarity, and calmness." And not having to go out and brave a new environment helps introverts stay chill too.
- But there is a difference between not feeling panicked,and stuffing the panic deep down. Dr. Nawalanic says if you've been trying to repress feelings, your anxiety might end up manifesting itself in other ways, like mood swings, sleep problems, or depression.All of which is not great to deal with when there is an invisible virus on the loose.If you think you’re a part of this group, and not just acool customer,make sure you talk to a supportive person or try reaching out to a professional.