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Hannah's Headlines - 6/5/2020

Today is National Gingerbread Day - World Environment Day - National Donut Day

KFC Cancels Potato Wedges And People Aren’t Happy

In the fast food world, menu items come and go and sometimes, the ones that go are an old favorite. That’s the case with KFC, who recently stopped selling their signature potato wedges, leaving many fans disappointed. Instead of the beloved wedges, they’re going to be serving Secret Recipe Fries, and they may be good, but people aren’t happy about the change. Many of them took to Twitter to voice their complaints and call for KFC to bring the wedges back.

Some tweeted that they can get fries at any fast food place, one asked if they could start a petition to bring back wedges and one user called the new fries “legit terrible.” But some folks who gave the new fries a try actually had positive things to say, one tweeted, “okay KFC fries better than wedges. My bad.”

KFC gets it, saying, “We know there are wedge-lovers out there who may be disappointed,” but they add that the response to the Secret Recipe Fries has been “overwhelmingly positive.” And if you’re going to try their new chicken sandwich when it rolls out, you may want to give the new fries a try, too.

Source:Business Insider

Crayola Finally Gets "Flesh" Color Right

So back in the day, the original box of 64 Crayola Crayons actually had a color called "flesh." You can probably guess what race that color represented. In 1962 they changed the color name to peach but now, almost 60 years later, Crayola has announced a set of new crayons that will represent a multitude of different skin tones.

Called "Colors of the World," the set is said to "authentically reflect the full spectrum of human complexions," and that "every child should be able to creatively and accurately color themselves into the world they see around them." The new 24-pack offers a wide range of light to deep shades' for children to choose from, as well as undertones like "rose," "almond," and "golden." A 32-pack has also been created to include eight shades for eyes and hair, with both products hitting shelves in July and being sold exclusively at Walmart.

Crayola CEORich Wuerthelesaid, "With the world growing more diverse than ever before, Crayola hopes our new Colors of the World crayons will increase representation and foster a greater sense of belonging and acceptance. We want the new Colors of the World crayons to advance inclusion within creativity and impact how kids express themselves.

Source: LifeHacker

Stadium Sized Asteroid Will Pass By Earth This Weekend- An asteroid about as large as the Empire State Building is expected to fly past Earth over the weekend.

Asteroid 2002 NN4 could be up to 18-hundred feet in diameter when it passes by Earth on Saturday. New York City's iconic Empire State Building is more than 14-hundred feet tall at its tip. Officials say the asteroid will pass Earth at a safe distance, despite its daunting size.

If you’re into astronomy, NASA has a widget to track asteroids.

Last year, scientists from around the world gathered at a conference and discussed how to respond to an asteroid big enough to destroy a major city.

Source:CBS News

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