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Hannah's Headlines - 6/22/2020

Today is National Chocolate Éclair Day

Tucker? Brandon? Internet Struggles With What To Call Male ‘Karens’

The Internet is struggling to come up with the perfect male equivalent of “Karen” — the slang term for an entitled, obnoxious, middle-aged white woman. The quest started after “San Francisco Karen” (aka Lisa Alexander, the CEO of a San Francisco-based skin care company) and her boyfriend, wealth manager Robert Larkin, harassed James Juanillo for stenciling “Black Lives Matter” on his own property last week.

  • Twitter user @USMCLiberal set off a firestorm when he tweeted out to his 62,000 followers: “I think the male version of a ‘Karen’ should be a ‘Jeremy’. Anyone object — besides Jeremy?”
  • People were not in love with the idea, as @Daeg420 noted: “Jeremy is too chill to be a karen … I would say that Bret seems to embody privilege and rage.” Jason, Scott and Tucker got a few votes, as did “Dwight, but spelled, D’white,” an idea started by @VAVoter2020.
  • Another tweeter, @mamgonefishing, suggested, I think it should be ‘Todd’. Just ask George Carlin” and linked to Carlin’s epic sketch rant that starts: “I’m getting really sick of guys named Todd.”
  • And then there was the suggestion from @HumanRainDelay1, who suggested “Brandon,” linking to “conservative activist” Brandon Straka’s epic twitter tantrum after he was kicked off an American Airlines flight for refusing to wear a mask.

Link:New York Post

"Hey Siri, I'm getting pulled over": new shortcut automates iPhone video recording

It's a sobering statement on our times that many instances of alleged excessive use of force by police might never have come to light had they not been recorded by bystanders using cellphones, or by motorists using cellphones during traffic stops.

Now there's aniOS shorcutthat automates the process of putting your iPhone in video record mode. All you have to say is, "Hey Siri, I'm getting pulled over."

Firstdeveloped two years ago byRobert Petersen, but getting new attention recently for the obvious reasons, the shortcut automates everything you'd otherwise have to do to begin recording video with your iPhone. It pauses any audio to which you may be listening, puts the phone in Do Not Disturb mode, reduces the screen brightness and audio volume, and automatically texts a pre-selected contact with a message of your choosing, along with your location. It then opens your iPhone's front-facing camera and begins recording.

Once the video recording ends, it, too, is sent to a designated contact. You can also save it automatically to iCloud or a Dropbox account.

Of course, you still need to point the camera at what you want to record, or have your camera mounted somewhere on your vehicle dash so it'll record hands-free.

Mind you, if your iPhone Shortcuts kung-fu is strong, you can create your own automated shortcut and activate it with the "Hey Siri" voice command of your choice. And to do that, or run Petersen's shortcut, you'll need iOS 12 or above installed on your phone.

Disney World To Launch Reservation System

Walt Disney World in Florida is set to re-open July 11th, but travelers won’t be able to just pick up and head to the park. Instead, in addition to tickets, they’ll need a reservation to get in. 

Disney just announced their new Disney Park Pass System, which, when it opens, will require park goers, including those with an annual pass, to make a reservation before they can go to any of the four Disney parks. The system will be available on the Disney website, and folks will have to register through a My Disney Experience account. Anyone with a multi-day ticket will have to make a reservation for a park, and tickets between family and friends will be able to be linked so they can get reservations on the same day.

One of the biggest changes with the reservation system, at least for the time being, is that park hopping won’t be allowed. Due to attendance limitations, guests will only be allowed to select one park per day. Disney notes that they “hope to bring back the ability to visit more than one park per day soon.” Those who paid extra for park-hopping ability will receive a reimbursement.

Right now the reservation system isn’t up and running, but it is expected to launch before the July 11thopening of the Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom. Epcot and Hollywood Studios will follow, opening July 15th.

Source:USA Today

Bananas Fighting Deadly Fungus in Global Crisis

The world’s favorite fruit is fighting its own pandemic: a fungus called Tropical Race 4 (TR4), or Panama Disease, that attacks the plant’s vascular system. Scientists around the globe are racing to stop the spread of TR4, which surfaced 30 years ago but is now ravaging banana fields in more than 20 countries in Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America, where tons of bananas are shipped to the US.

Their solutions include creating a genetically modified variety as well as a vaccine, the BBC reported. Right now, all that can be done is to quarantine the infected farms and enforce biosecurity measures such as disinfecting boots and preventing the movement of plants between growers — the banana equivalent of hand washing and social distancing.

Seventy years ago, TR4 decimated the crops in Asia and Central America in what plant expert Fernando García-Bastidas calls “one of the worst botanical epidemics in history. “The fungus was so devastating, García-Bastidas said, because the bananas were all the same variety — the Gros Michel or “Big Mike.” Researchers developed another variety, the Cavendish, that TR4 is now attacking, too. Now, they’re back in their labs — scrambling.

Link:BBC News

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