Americans Don’t Realize Their Unused Tech May Be Worth Something
A lot of Americans these days aren’t happy with old technology, and are ready to run out and buy whatever new or shiny model is released, even if their smartphone or tablet still works perfectly well. And it turns out, a lot of those people don’t realize they could probably make a lot of money from their old devices.
A new survey reveals:
- The average person has $199 in unused tech items in their homes.
- Overall, that means there’s close to $43 billion in unused tech in American homes.
- Of course the longer they hold on to that tech, the more it depreciates in value.
- In fact, data shows that items like cell phones, computers and tablets deprecate an average of 26% over a year.
- Overall, 80% of Americans have a mobile phone at home that they aren’t using, while 38% have an obsolete piece of tech.
- One third of Americans don’t realize they could trade in their old phones for cash.
- The average person holds on to al old phone for over a year after they stop using it.
- With phones depreciating in value by 36% over a year, that’s a loss of $87.
Of course how much your tech is worth depends on what it is.
- For example, iPhones depreciate by about $108 over a year, while Samsungs only lose about $66.
- MacBooks depreciate by 41% over a year, meaning they lose $140 in value.
- Tablets depreciate by $85 each year, while wearable watches lose about $90.
And it certainly seems that Americans are ready to rid their homes of old devices.
- 51% of Americans say devices are cluttering up their drawers
- 39% say they are cluttering up their closets
- 23% say the same about their bedrooms.
Source:SWNS Digital
Yale Student Creates “OK Zoomer” Dating Site
After finding out she wouldn’t be returning to campus after spring break, Yale University juniorIleanaValdezstarted a dating site with her friends. She and a pal posted a Google form on Facebook asking, “Hey, you didn’t get to shoot your shot before we got kicked off campus? Sign up and we’ll match you.” And within two hours, the 20-year-old says they had around 4-thousand sign-ups.
They call the site “OKZoomer” and since then, it’s grown into a website with more than 18-thousand subscribers from around the country. It matches singles based on personality, with each person filling out a questionnaire. But one thing that’s not included - Photos. Every Saturday night users find out who their matches are and then they go on Zoom dates.
“We call it ‘Zooking up,’” Valdez explains. “They can only Zook up. They can’t see each other in person. You have to have actual conversations.” There aren’t any stories of couples meeting “The One” on the site just yet, but she says OKZoomer is helping to build deeper connections than the students would have built on campus.
Woman Pregnant With Twins In Separate Wombs May Have Two Labors
A British mother of two was surprised to find out she has two wombs, but completely shocked to learn she’s pregnant with twins and is carrying one in each womb.Kelly Fairhurstsays that at her 12-week ultrasound doctors explained that having two wombs is rare, with just one in 3-thousand women having the condition. But the chances of having a twin in separate wombs? That’s incredibly rare - the odds of that are 50-million to one!
Fairhurst says twins run in her family, so she knew it could be a possibility for her, but she adds, “I never thought I’d have identical twins in two separate wombs!” The biggest risk for her pregnancy is that one of her babies will be born prematurely, like both of her previous children were. If that happens, this mama could be giving birth in two separate labors, even weeks apart.
“The plan is to have them both by c-section, but my last two births have been so quick, there’s a risk that might not be possible,” Fairhurst explains. “In all honesty, the whole thing is pretty crazy!”
Source:New York Post
You Can Send Your Kid To Virtual Hogwarts Summer Camp
So your kid’s sleep away camp plans aren’t going to happen this summer and you’re trying to figure out how to keep them entertained while you work from home? Good news for all the Potterheads out there - a Hogwarts-themed virtual camp is here to save the day. You can now send your child toHarry Potter O.W.L.s Camp.
Consider your child accepted to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, well the online version anyway. This virtual program fromCampCloud, a service that creates weekly digital programs to keep kids entertained all summer, has come up with this Harry Potter camp intended for kids ages eight to 14. Class starts this week and you can choose the week you want and either a half-day session from 1pm to 4pm EST ($135) or a full-day from 10am to 4pm ($275) and there are even discounts for registering two kids.
The curriculum includes Potions withProfessor Snape, identifying magical plants in Herbology, and getting tips fromHagridin Care of Magical Creatures. There are even extracurriculars like Quidditch and before everything gets going, campers will be sorted into houses for the full experience. It all sounds pretty magical and the best part? It’s totally socially distant.