Today is Fried Chicken Day
The Highest Paying Jobs Without A College Degree
While finding a job that you enjoy with great people is important, let's face it, for a lot of people the most important thing about a gig is the paycheck. And while in a lot of cases, a college degree is required to make the big bucks, there are some jobs where that’s just not the case.
- 24/7 Wall Street has just come out with their list of the Highest Paying Jobs without a College Degree.
- Workers in some of these jobs can make more than $70,000 a year on average.
- Many of them may be physically demanding, and come with a high degree of occupational hazards.
- Topping the list is transportation, storage, and distribution managers.
- They make an average annual salary of $103,320 a year, and employment is expected to increase 5.6% in the next eight years.
The Highest Paying Jobs Without A College Degree
- Transportation, storage, and distribution managers
- Commercial pilot
- Nuclear power reactor operators
- First-line supervisors of police and detectives
- Athletes and sports competitors
- Power distributors and dispatchers
- Captains, mates, and pilots of water vessels
- First-line supervisors of non-retail sales workers
- Detectives and criminal investigators
- Gambling managers
Source:USA Today
Bottled Space Fragrance Created by Ex-NASA Genius
If you’ve ever wondered what space smells like then this new perfume might just provide the answer.
The fragrance is called ‘Eau de Space’.
According to CNN, product manager Matt Richmond revealed it’s been developed by chemist Steve Pearce who previously worked for NASA.
Pearce was contracted by NASA in 2008 to work on a space smell project that could help with the training of future astronauts.
He relied on notes from astronauts that had been in space and reported that the ozone smells bitter, smoky and even like fried steak, rum and raspberries.
The smell of rum and raspberries has previously been connected to the chemical compound ethyl formate, which was found in a vast dust cloud at the center of our galaxy.
It’s the same chemical responsible for the flavor of raspberries and it smells a bit like rum.
The people behind Eau de Space hope that it will increase interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
The initial goal for the project was to raise $1965. It’s since smashed that record with $241,842 worth of donations and 5,822 backers at the time of writing. Backers are asked to pledge $29 to receive a four-ounce bottle and donate another to a school STEM project.
Netflix Finally Lets Us Control The “Continue Watching” Row- You know that annoying...and potentially embarrassing… “Continue Watching” row Netflix has?
You can now clear the content of it. Netflix subscribers don't have to be stuck with unwanted content popping up in the "Continue Watching" row. The "Remove from row" feature allows subscribers to get rid of titles that were sampled but then abandoned so they don't constantly show up on the row.
Selections can now be removed by clicking on a title in the row and then "Remove from row" at the bottom. Truth be told, the feature has been around, but no one really knew about it. That changed when Netflix made it available for iOS devices last week.