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Americans Will Face Over 200 Dish-Related Arguments Each Year
Few people actually enjoy doing the dishes, and apparently they are the source of lots of arguments in America.
A new poll finds:
- The average American will be involved in 217 arguments each year over dishes.
- That comes out to an average of 18 dish-related arguments each month.
- 60% of Americans say they get stressed out doing the dishes.
- Among the most common dish-based argument is over who should empty the dishwasher, with folks having four of those fights each month.
- Other common dish-related arguments include:
- Leaving dishes to soak in the sink (4)
- Who should load the dishwasher (4)
- Pre-rinsing dishes before putting them in the dishwasher (4)
- Leaving dishes in the sink when the dishwasher is empty (3)
Source:SWNS Digital
Study: Botox Could Ease Depression
Lots of people get Botox for wrinkles or migraines, but new research finds it may come with a pleasant side effect - easing depression. According to a comprehensivestudyfrom the University of California San Diego, getting Botox injections for those other things could relieve depression as well.
For the study, researchers reviewed over 45-thousand people’s experiences with Botox using the FDA’s Adverse Effect Reporting System. They found that those who got Botox for a range of conditions, including excessive sweating, limb spasms, and to fight the signs of aging, reported depression 40 to 88% less than people who received other types of treatments for the same conditions. This suggests folks who choose to get Botox for wrinkles or other conditions are less likely to experience depression than if they opted for a different treatment.
Researchers think there could be a couple reasons for this, one is that people who get Botox and then get relief from conditions that impact their quality of life, like painful migraines, may feel less depressed as a result.
- Study authors suggest that Botox injections could be used as an alternative treatment for those with chronic conditions and depression and for those who aren’t having luck with common depression treatments. But they caution that more studies are needed to understand the side effects and to make sure it’s safe.
The pleasure principle: study shows hedonism is the key to a happier life
With all that's been going on lately, the term "self care" has been bandied about a lot. But now anew studyshows that "pleasure and self-indulgence" may be the key to a happier life.
Katharina Berneckerfrom the University of Zurich says most experts agree that self-control is important and helps you achieve long-term goals and get stuff done. But let's face it: it's no fun.
"It’s time for a rethink," Bernecker says in a press release about her study. "Of course self-control is important, but research on self-regulation should pay just as much attention to hedonism, or short-term pleasure."
While hedonism is commonly associated with pleasures of the flesh, that's not necessarily always the case. It could also be as simple as not feeling guilty about kicking up your feet on the couch in front of the TV instead of doing something productive.
However, the study shows indulging in hedonism isn't as easy as you may think, thanks to nagging thoughts that creep in. "For example, when lying on the couch you might keep thinking of the sport you are not doing," Bernecker explains. "Those thoughts about conflicting long-term goals undermine the immediate need to relax. Really enjoying one’s hedonic choice isn't actually that simple for everybody because of those distracting thoughts."
Bernecker explains that COVID-19 really drove home the importance of maintaining an important work-life balance. In other words, if you're working from home, set boundaries and don't let "work" time take away from "you" time.
So when the workday's done, feel free to indulge.
How To Prime Your Brain For Breakthrough Ideas
We’ve all had a eureka moment or two in our lives. Those times when it feels like a thought hit you out of thin air, and for that brief moment you mind-melded with someone smarter or had superpowers. What if I told you that there was a way to get those more often?It may sound like a pitch for some “Limitless” type of pill, but no.Research has shown that there are ways to get your brain there easier. Here’s some tips:
- Perfect Conditions.You can’t just sit and push out a galaxy-brain type of idea. Your brain needs to be in a relaxed and positive state. Essentially, if you’re thinking of the problem, you’re not going to come up with the solution. The eureka moment will hit when you’re in the shower rocking out to music and not when you’re pounding your head on the desk.
- Identify And Protect Your “Golden Time” For Insight.It’s pretty common for people to experience sudden flashes of insight just before falling asleep, right after waking up, or while exercising. Figure out what your “golden time” for breakthrough ideas is and cherish it. Think of all the times you’ve had an “aha!” moment and try to recreate that formula whenever you need a big idea.
- Build New Insight-friendly Habits.If your old eureka moment habits aren’t working, make new ones. Do more things that aren’t work-related and you’re bound to get better ideas of how to fix things at work.So really, our bosses should be giving us more vacation days so we can put our toes in the sand somewhere… aka “cultivate” more “big ideas.”
Source:Fast Company