Today is National Watermelon Day
How To ‘Leave’ The Office When You Work From Home
There’s been a lot of talk about ‘keeping up with your routines’ while working remotely, but all the guides seem to miss one important thing.How to stop working.What you need is something to let your brain know ‘hey, we’re done for today.’ They’re called “shutdown rituals” and they could be the key to maintaining your work-life balance and sanity right now. Here are some examples to try:
- Take A Walk.You know how pumped dogs get when you mention the word “walk?” That’s going to be you if you start including an end of the workday walk to your routine. When five o’clock hits, shut down your laptop, stick on your shoes, and get moving. The exercise and vitamin D from the sun is exactly what your mood has been begging for.
- Meditation.Go from eight hours of thinking to five to ten minutes of pushing thoughts away. Download a meditation app and fire that up as soon as your workday ends. Turn staying at home into namaste-ing at home.
- Change Your Environment.Find a way to flip your home from office mode to chill mode. It could mean dimming the lighting, switching up your playlist, or pulling aMr. Rodgersand simply changing into a more comfortable pair of shoes.
Are these not really your style? Find moreHERE.
Source:Fast Company
Improve All Your Relationships With The Magic 5:1 Ratio
You may have never heard of the name John Gottmann before, but in the world of relationship research,he’s a rock star. While he’s most known for his ability to predict which couples would divorce with 90%, there’s something else that he’s come up with that’s equally impressive.
He’s found one easy to remember trick that can strengthen all your relationships.Even the ones that didn’t start on Tinder.After years of research, Gottmann and his collaborators figured out the key to a happy, healthy relationship is a 5:1 ratio.
Basically,for every negative interaction during conflict, a stable relationship has five, or more, positive interactions.Good or bad, these things don’t have to be big. In the negative end, it could mean something as small as an eye roll, and to get back in their good graces, it could be as little as a quick joke.It’s not the size of the gesture, it’s the frequency.
- And while it was invented to save people from hiring divorce lawyers, it could be an amazing way to move up at work, too. All of your coworkers are bound to like you more if you’re hitting them with five warm interactions for every sarcastic email. You could also use the 5:1 ratio to build your network and get a new gig.Your call!
“Elf”-Themed Coffee Creamers Coming For The Holidays
We’re only days into August, but International Delight is already looking to the holiday season. Normally, we like to hold off on all things holiday-related at least until summer is over, but right now, we’ll welcome this tasty distraction. The creamer company is getting festive a little extra early this year and just announced they’re adding some new “Elf”-themed holiday creamers and they’re hitting stores this month.
International Delight’s limited-edition creamers include:
- Frosted Sugar Cookie- This one features a sweet sugar cookie flavor with “a finish of frosting notes.”
- Peppermint Mocha- With flavors of sweet, cool peppermint, and rich chocolate, it brings the wintery holidays to your cup of summer coffee.
- And a brand-new holiday flavor,Caramel Waffle Cookie- Buddy the Elf himself would love this creamer’s blend of rich caramel mixed with “notes of toasted waffle-style cookies.”
The 32-ounce bottles come with cute “Elf” designs and they’ve already been spotted in some stores. If you’re into the sweet stuff in your coffee, these could turn your summer cuppa into a Christmas in August treat. And these flavors will be sticking around through the holiday season, so you’ve got plenty of time to get on the “Elf” fun. Source:Elite Daily
New Hampshire Lawmakers Okay Flying Cars- it’s never too early to prepare for the future.
New Hampshire lawmakers did just that by approving the use of flying cars. House Bill 1182, known as the Jetson Bill, was passed Wednesday in Concord. The new law reportedly allows for the legal use of flying cars on public roads.
The bill allows for the driver of a flying car to use a roadway to get to an airport where the vehicle would take off. But it does not allow for take offs or landings on New Hampshire roads.