Today is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
Bed, Bath & Beyond added to stores closing Thanksgiving:As we previously told you, stores like Target and Walmart have decided to stay closed on Thanksgiving day this year, and now Bed, Bath & Beyond is following them. The company just announced they will close their stores in both the U.S. and Canada on the holiday, and that includes not only B,B & B, but buybuy Baby, Christmas Tree Shops, Harmon Face Values and Cost Plus World. Folks will still be able to get holiday deals though, with most of them found online throughout the Thanksgiving period. Source:Yahoo
The New “Twilight” Book Is Out Today- After over a decade, the newest book in the “Twilight” series goes on sale today.
“Midnight Sun” is the fifth installment ofStephanie Meyer's young-adult vampire saga. The project has been teased for more than a decade and retells the original love story from the perspective of vampire Edward Cullen. That’s the vampire...
The first four books, beginning with “Twilight” in 2005, tell the story of the romance between Edward and teenager Bella Swan from the girl's point of view. Meyer says the new book is "definitely darker and more desperate."
Source:New York Times
Millennials, Gen Z, And Younger Are Now the New U.S. Majority
We’ve joined forces before to ‘Okay’ the Boomers, but now Millennials, Gen Z, AND Generation Alpha have come together for something even more earth-shattering: we’re now officially the majority of the U.S. population.
A new study has found 50.7% of U.S. residents are under age 40. Combined we amount to 166-million people. Meanwhile, Gen X, Baby Boomers, and older represent 162-million residents here in the United States. It should be shocking to most to find out we’re now the majority, but also it might come as a surprise to find out the oldest millennial is 39.Is avocado toast on the early bird menu yet? Jeez.
This new majority of young people are also more diverse than the older folks. Almost half of us identify as being part of a racial or ethnic minority. And now that we’re in the majority, it should be interesting to see what happens in Washington. Surveys show we’ve split from the older folks on issues like immigration, criminal justice reform, and environmental protection.That is if our generations decide to vote.
8 Outdoor Activities You Did As A Kid That Make Low-Key Excellent Workouts Today
- Razor Scooter
"Every time you put your foot down to pedal, you’ll be generating ground contact force, which is sure to work the major muscles in the leg," Lawrence says. Plus, there's nothing like that scooter-on-pavement sound.
- Skateboard
You don't need the ability to do tricks to get a workout from the age-old mark of a cool kid. Just wobbling down the street unsteadily will work your core and calves. Not to mention, it's great cardio.
- Hula Hoop
"From the same company that brought you the Frisbee (no joke), comes the plastic hula hoop, which mimics the Hawaiian dance of the same name," says Lawrence. There's nothing past-tense about the way it'll work your core.
- Roller Skating
Get your '80s vibe on and update your TikTok, because strapping into roller skates will work your entire body, from your glutes and hips to your cardiovascular system.
- Double Dutch
Got two quarantine-mates and a couple of long jump ropes? "All indications point to a great workout," Lawrence says, because you'll be working your coordination, calves, and core, all while getting your heart rate up.
- Monkey Bars
"Besides simultaneously making me feel like a kid back on the playground and a star on America Ninja Warrior, monkey bars provide an awesome workout," Lawrence says. Your core, arms, and grip strength will get a solid challenge, and you'll 100% feel like you're back at recess.
- Hacky Sack
"A small round bag filled with plastic pellets or sand will give you a great workout," says Lawrence. Think balance, hip mobility, and reaction time.
- Playing Catch
"Catch involves rapid acceleration and deceleration, change in direction, hand-eye coordination," Lawrence says. Meaning, it's the nostalgic social distancing sport award-winner.