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French women ditching bras amid COVID-19 lockdown

More and more French women who have found wearing a bra unnecessary amid the COVID-19 lockdown are vowing to ditch the undergarment all together, according toFrance 24.

According to a recent Ifop survey, while just 3% of women said they never or rarely wore a bra before the COVID-19 crisis, this rose to eight percent during the lockdown and stayed at seven percent afterwards.

The trend is even more popular among women under 25, 18% of whom say they now regularly don’t wear a bra in public.

Comfort was the number one reason given for giving up the bra, according to a poll, but many also saw it as an expression of liberty and feminism.

However, fear of men’s reactions have kept even more women from joining the so-called No Bra movement.

"There is really a generational divide in this practice,"Jean-Philippe Dubrulle, Ifop director of studies, told AFP. "Among women who don't practice it, the main obstacle is the fear of being the object of remarks."

"It's not surprising that it's young women who practice No Bra the most because they're the ones who are most at odds with this manifestation of patriarchy, the culture of rape and all these injunctions that weigh on women's bodies," adds Dubrulle.

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