Today is National Toilet Paper Day - Today is National Dog Day
4 - What's good Wednesday? TWO friends engaged this week - Sam and Sing
Internet Company Offers $1,000 for Person Willing to 'Digital Detox'
Satellite Internet, based in Salt Lake City, said one randomly selected applicant for the "Digital Detox Challenge" will receive $1,000 in exchange for spending 48 hours living out of an RV at a U.S. national park without any Internet or phone service.
The company said the applicant will be given a stipend in addition to the $1,000 prize to cover the cost of renting an RV for the two-day adventure.
Satellite Internet said it will provide an Internet hotspot at the end of the 48-hour period for the winner to share details of the experience online.
The company said the contest is open to those over age 25 with a valid driver's license and eligibility to work in the United States. A winner will be announced September 23rd.
Link:United Press International
New Dating Site Only Matches Those With 20-Year Age Gap
There’s a new dating app for those that dream about finding a partner who’s much younger -or older. It’s called20 Dating,and creatorDavid Minnssays it’s “the World’s first extreme age gap dating site.” What’s that mean? The site only matches people who are 20 years olderor youngerthan them. And photos? Not required. Cost? It’s free.
Minns explains that trying to connect with someone with that much of an age gap when using a site like Tinder or Bumble could lead to a lot of rejection. But he says on 20 Dating, “Everyone knows where they stand,” and you can’t even peak at a user with only a 19-year age gap. The site doesn’t involve swiping, it just lets anyone with the appropriate age gap contact each other as they wish. “If you want to date someone much younger than yourself,” the site brags. “Then 20 is the place to be.”
This isn’t the only age-gap-based dating site out there,Gaperalso specializes in making May/December love connections. And it’s not Minns’ first try at niche dating sites either. He also startedButterfly, a trans dating app,Big One(a site for well-endowed men), andDinky One(you guessed it, guys on the other end of the spectrum).
French women ditching bras amid COVID-19 lockdown
More and more French women who have found wearing a bra unnecessary amid the COVID-19 lockdown are vowing to ditch the undergarment all together, according toFrance 24.
According to a recent Ifop survey, while just 3% of women said they never or rarely wore a bra before the COVID-19 crisis, this rose to eight percent during the lockdown and stayed at seven percent afterwards.
The trend is even more popular among women under 25, 18% of whom say they now regularly don’t wear a bra in public.
Comfort was the number one reason given for giving up the bra, according to a poll, but many also saw it as an expression of liberty and feminism.
However, fear of men’s reactions have kept even more women from joining the so-called No Bra movement.
"There is really a generational divide in this practice,"Jean-Philippe Dubrulle, Ifop director of studies, told AFP. "Among women who don't practice it, the main obstacle is the fear of being the object of remarks."
"It's not surprising that it's young women who practice No Bra the most because they're the ones who are most at odds with this manifestation of patriarchy, the culture of rape and all these injunctions that weigh on women's bodies," adds Dubrulle.
Lucky Charms is Selling Their Just Magical Marshmallows and Leaving Out the Cereal
For the first time ever, cereal-maker General Mills will sell pouches of Just Magical Marshmallows — the spongy, petite clovers, horseshoes, hearts, unicorns, moons, balloons and stars from the kid-fave breakfast food — at select stores across the country. The limited-edition 6-ounce packets will feature all eight of the “charms” — and none of the cereal pieces — for $3.99.
The product rollout will include “spectacular in the sky” presentations in LA on Monday and NYC on Sept. 1. Just Magical Marshmallows will then become more widely available to buy at grocery stores in the US next month. “For a limited time you can say hashtag #JustMagicalMarshmallows are mine,” the company posted Monday on Twitter.
“The magic will peak in the coming weeks!” And Lucky Charms fans — who, by the way, include Snoop Dogg — seem to be over-the-rainbow about the news. This isn’t the first sweet deal from General Mills. Last year, the company gave away 15,000 boxes of marshmallows-only boxes of Lucky Charms in a promotion.
Link:NY Post
A Group Is Trying To Put Together A Human And Dog Choir
If you have a dog that can really sing, then a company in Australia wants to speak with you. Seems this company wants to put together a human-animal choir and is looking for at least 50 humans and their singing dogs.
ThunderShirt is hoping to get the group together and collectively sing Imagine Dragon's epic song 'Thunder'. What they're hoping for is a bunch of dogs that absolutely love to howl or bark at the top of their lungs so that the choir has an added punch.
It's not a full requirement for your dog to be loud, but it will help you get ahead of the quieter ones. Auditions opened yesterday and will run until September 6.