Today is National Physician Assistant Day - Today is National Noodle Day
Mars is Closest To Earth This Morning- Mars is making its way closer to earth.
This morning at about 10:18 ET, the Red Planet will only be 38-point-six-million miles away, which is the closest it will be until 2035. This is due to the Mars Close approach, which happens every two years, but normally the planet doesn't come this close.
NASA says people will be able to see Mars for most of the night in the southern sky. It’s also visible with the naked eye all month. You can see it close to the moon.
Why People Are Putting Purple Pumpkins Out For Halloween
It’s just a few weeks before Halloween and most of us are still trying to figure out how we’re going to celebrate this year. One thing that’s up in the air for a lot of folks is trick-or-treating. While the CDC lists it as a“high-risk”Halloween activity, they haven’t canceled it. And now some folks are trying to find a way to make the holiday a little safer and they’re using purple pumpkins to do it.
We’ve seen teal colored pumpkins used before to indicate a house has non-food goodies for trick-or-treaters who have food allergies, but what are the purple pumpkins all about? A group of parents came up with the idea to use them to mark “safe houses” - as in the residents there have all been following the health guidelines when it comes to COVID-19 and no one who lives there has tested positive.
Putting a purple pumpkin on your porch, in your yard or in your window shows you’re a safe location for trick-or-treating. The idea is that Halloween can still go on as long as everyone is practicing safe social distancing and being considerate of those around them. It may not be the perfect solution, but it could help ease the fears of protective parents so their kids can still enjoy the holiday tradition.
Why Some People Are Always Late
We’ve all got that one friend or coworker that is always late. You can chalk it up to them being inconsiderate, but the truth is some of them can’t help it. This might not help with the rage you feel the next time they show up a half-hour late...with coffee…but here’s what their deal is.
- Timebending. Research shows that 20% of people fall into the non-punctual category and authorGrace Paciesays it’s because “time seems to work differently for them.” Pacie calls the phenomena “timebending” and says late people tend to underestimate time by 20% to 30%. On top of that, timebenders also like to squeeze in things just before leaving and some even block out “transition time” altogether.They just kind of forget teleportation isn’t an option and leave roughly five minutes later than they intended.
- It’s Nature, Not Nurture.Tardiness is basically in their blood.According to Pacie, late-people are usually linked to the ‘P’ element of the Myers-Briggs test. “Ps have a deep preference for keeping options open [and] don’t like bringing things to a close.”Like, for example, whatever they were doing right before they were supposed to be meeting with you.
Source:Fast Company
Kid Wound Up? Try A Popsicle In The Tub
When your kid is all wound up - whether they’re filled with excitement, anxiety or energy - sometimes a sensory experience helps them calm down. Popping them in a bath or shower can be a good start, but to really take it to the next level? Try handing them a popsicle while they’re in there.
The idea behind this parenting hack is that when the kid is too wired or too sensitive or too anything, a reset with the warm water plus the cold popsicle is the perfect quick fix. The popsicle cools them off and gives them a sweet treat, while the water warms them up at the same time. It snaps them out of whatever they’re feeling and calms them down instantly.
One grateful parent who’s tried it calls it “the most random and effective parenting tip” they’ve ever received. And if all it takes to restore the calm is engaging multiple senses with warm water and a fruity popsicle? We’re in. Plus, the clean-up couldn’t be easier!