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Hannah's Headlines - 10/13/2020

Today is National No Bra Day - Today is International Skeptics Day

‘Tween Prodigy Is Set To Study Aerospace At Georgia Tech - Caleb Andersonis on his way to college at age 12.

How intelligent is Caleb? At 9-months-old, he was learning sign language. At one, he was learning to read. He was two when he went into first grade. Now this genius is heading to Georgia Tech, by the looks of things.

Caleb astonished professors at the college with his command of advanced concepts and is expected to earn admission after treating him like a top sports prospect. The young man has already been studying aerospace engineering at Chattahoochee Technical College in Marietta, Georgia, but his parents want him to have the big university experience.

There are drawbacks to being this advanced. Caleb says he’s been teased and picked on a lot in his life.

Source:New York Post

Doomscroll much? Happier people spend less time online, study finds

Leave it to 2020 to create the term 'doomscrolling' -- that is, scrolling through endless stories of doom and gloom on social media. Countless words have been written about our addiction to our phones and social media sites. Could the key to a happier life be as simple as taking a break from it?

Yes, as it happens. At least, according to a recent survey by Denmark'sHappiness Research Institute.

The study surveyed 1,095 people, 94% of whom said they checked Facebook at least once a day, with 78% of those saying they spent at least a half-hour on the site. The participants were then split into two groups, one of whom was instructed to keep on using Facebook as they normally do, while the others were told not to check Facebook at all.

One week later, the folks who avoided Facebook admitted they felt happier, more enthusiastic and less stressed. By comparison, their doomscrolling counterparts were 55% more likely to be stressed out, with symptoms including sadness, depression, anger and loneliness. They were also 18% less likely to feel present in the moment.

Once the numbers were crunched, the researchers concluded that regular Facebook users were 39% more likely to feel less happy than their counterparts. 

So the next time you're feeling stressed or depressed, take a break from social media. After all, if you need your doomscroll fix, there's always all those TV political ads.

Apple To Unveil iPhone 12, Which Features ‘30x Zoom Spy Camera’

Apple’s next iPhone is rumored to have a camera that would impress 007 and even some astronomers. According to reports, the iPhone 12 may have a 30x digital zoom.

This means the phone would be able to take clear pics from three times further awaythan any iPhone camera before it. Nothing confirmed as of yet, but there is a virtual Apple eventhappening todaythat is expected to spill the beans on their upcoming tech.

Source:The Sun

Researchers Crack Question Of Whether Couples Start Looking Alike

Isn’t it eerie when couples look so much alike, they could be siblings? If you’ve ever wondered if the phenomena of couples looking similar is legit or not, you're not alone. Scientists have also been testing this theory and they believe that they can finally make a conclusion.

Back in 1987, a study determined that couples’ faces did indeed become more alike as their marriages went on and chalked it up to sharing a similar lifestyle. They even went as far as to say that the happier the marriage, the more they ended up looking the same. But a new study says their findings were… well…wrong.

They say it’s not so much that couples look alike in the end...it'sactually at the beginning. Using celebrity couples likeBenedict CumberbatchandSophie Hunter, andGisele BündchenandTom Bradyas examples, researchers from Stanford determined that people tend to be attracted to others with features like their own.Which is both reassuring and weird all at once.

Source:The Guardian

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