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Hannah's Headlines - 10/15/2020

Today is National Grouch Day, Tomorrow is Boss's Day

Scientists Are About To Prove That There Is A Parallel Universe: Wouldn't it be wonderfulif we could just leave 2020 and head to a parallel universe that is full ofhappy people and no COVID-19? Well, we may just be able to do that soon. The famous LHC "atom smasher" at the CERN center in Geneva, Switzerland is about to be fired up to its highest setting, literally one trillion volts, in hopes to create tiny black holes. If successful, a very new "parallel" universe is going to be exposed, completely rewriting not only the physics books but the philosophy books as well. Researchers say it's even probable that gravity from our own universe may "transfer" into this parallel universe. This all goes down next week and the experiment will undoubtedly be a game-changer. Normally, when people consider the multiverse, they think about the many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics, where every possibility is realized, for instance, a universe where say Germany wins World War II. Of course, it's impossible to test this so it's only philosophy and not science. And that's not what the LHC experiment means by a parallel universe in this case anyway. Instead, they are referring to real universes in extra dimensions. Totally confused? So are we. Good luck planet Earth! 

Ikea Launches Furniture Buyback Program -Ikea is doing things differently for Black Friday.

The flat-pack furnishings company isn’t focusing on YOU buying something from them. It will be the other way around. Ikea will actually offer to buy back thousands of pieces of used Ikea furniture in 27 countries, for resale, recycling or donation to community projects.

Here’s how it will work: anyone selling used Ikea furniture will get a voucher that could be worth as much as 50% of the original price, to buy new items. What condition the used furniture is in for the company to take it back wasn’t mentioned.

Ikea is moving toward reselling buybacks, recycling them, and repairing. Their first second-hand store opens later this year.

The Black Friday program will run from November 24 to December 3.

Source:ABC News

Woman Remarries Hubby With Dementia After He Forgets They’re Married

AnneandBill Duncantied the knot in a garden ceremony at their home in Scotland in August, but the thing is, they were already married. The 72-year-old groom has dementia and has forgotten about parts of his life,including his first wedding 13 years ago. The couple has actually been together for about 20 years and Anne recently shared the story on the Real Fix podcast of their second wedding and the delightful “honeymoon period” they experienced all over again.

Anne, who is also 72, reveals that her husband hasn’t known her name for a long time and he struggles to communicate because of his illness. But not long after they attended a family member’s wedding, Bill proposed to his wife,not remembering they were already married. So when he popped the question “out of the blue” it was a big surprise and she thought he’d forget soon, but he didn’t.

She agreed to marry him and was shocked that he remembered, asking her every day when they were getting married. After they exchanged vows, Anne says they experienced “honeymoon vibes” for weeks. She would ask Bill if he remembered that she’s his new wife and he would hug her and shower her with kisses. “It was a completely unexpected wonderful miracle,” the two-time bride says. “The fact that he did this was nothing short of a miracle.”

Source:Fox News

Bacon-Scented Masks Are Here

Hormelis famous for their meat and chili, but they’ve just gone next level with the introduction ofBreathable Bacon. It’s aface maskthat is not only decorated with images of their Hormel Black Label Bacon,but is also scentedlike bacon!

Want one? You can enter to win a bacon-scented face mask of your own from now until October 28thbyheading to this website.According to one user, it smells less like bacon than a bonfire and has a really strong scent that lingers even after taking if off.

Source:The Takeout

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