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The Top Dating Trends For 2021

Dating in 2020 has not been easy at all, and judging by a new report, it’s not likely to get much easier in 2021. 

Plenty of Fish has just come out with their fourth annual list of the Top Dating Trends of 2021, with pop culture and current events playing a big role in how people look for love next year. 

The top trends include:

  • Apocalypsing(/ah-poc-a-lyps-ing) – Treating any relationship as if it’s your last, prompting you to get very serious with someone even though you only started dating.
  • Maskerading(/mas-kuh-reyd-ing) – Pretending you’re taking COVID-19 safety precautions seriously just to impress a possible match.
  • Fauci-ing(/fau-chee-ing) – Not wanting to date someone because they aren’t taking the pandemic seriously enough.
  • Zoomlander-ing(/zoom-lan-der-ing) – When a potential match spends their entire Zoom date checking themselves out on camera instead of looking at their date.
  • Endgame-ing(/end-geym-ing) – Accidentally sending a NSFW photo or video to someone you’re dating.
  • Folklore-ing(/fo-klore-ing) – Obsessing over the fairytale romance of a relationship that your expectations can’t match up to reality.
  • Sanitizing(/san-i-tahyz-ing) – Wiping your social media of all evidence of a past relationship.
  • Waldo-ing(/wawl-doh-ing) – The act of posting only group shots on a dating profile so a potential match has a hard time figuring out what a date looks like.
  • Stalk-blocking(/stawk blok-ing) – Taking steps to keep prospective dates from creeping by making your social media account private.
  • Bradying(/braid-e-ing) – Inspired by quarterbackTom Brady,this is when you end a long-term relationship even though friends and family think it’s a mistake.
  • Hey & Pray(/Hey and prey) – Reaching out to every match with simple lines like "Hey there," "Hey you," "Hey," "Hi," and praying someone will respond. 

Source:Yahoo Finance

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