While a lot of folks will be staying home this Thanskgiving, there are some that will still be getting on a plane to visit family, and a few of those people may actually be bringing their favorite Thanksgiving dishes along with them. But that begs the question – can you bring those Thanksgiving dishes on the plane with you? Well, the TSA is here to help.
- The TSA has awebsite that reveals what foods can and can’t be carried on to a plane, although they note that their officers have the final say on what's allowed and what isn't.
- So, what types of foods can you carry through security? As you can imagine, the more solid an item, the more likely you can bring them. Foods like:
- Baked goods
- Meats
- Stuffing
- Casseroles
- Mac 'n cheese
- Fresh vegetables
- Fresh Fruit
- Candy
- Spices
- Of course, liquid-like items must be packed in your checked luggage, although that can get a little gross.
- As the TSA notes, “If you can spill it, spread it, spray it, pump it or pour it, and it’s larger than 3.4 ounces, then it should go in a checked bag."
- Food items not allowed to be carried on include:
- Cranberry sauce
- Gravy
- Wine
- Canned fruit or vegetables
- Preserves, jams and jellies
- Maple syrup
Source:USA Today